The Nerd

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Kelsi :p (Olesya Rulin) is the Nerd. You'll find out who this nerd is in this chapter. All rights go to Marvel.

Wanda's lips lingered slightly on Vision's and she smiled softly as she heard his thoughts. They were practically screaming at her.

For once... Eet's not my own

Your mind is broadcasting just as loud.

She slightly jerked back from his face and frowned playfully. His face was just as adorned with a childish look that she couldn't help but rest her head on his chest out of exhaustion and laugh lightly.

There goes that moment.

It is not my fault I was programmed from Tony.

She made a face and she looked up at him fondly when he smiled slightly. She quirked an eyebrow, and then pursed her lips; trying not to look happy. Granted, she was much too happy and blissful to overall be cross at him.

"Does this mean you're okay vith me and you...?" She asked innocently and batted her eyelashes. She was being a cheeky jerk, not to mention she knew his answer, but she wanted to hear him say it aloud. She bit down on her lip hoping not to laugh as he stared down with a look that said, 'really'?

"I believe you already know the answer to that Wanda."

She smiled wickedly and shrugged. She was to win this bickering. She would make sure of it.

"I vant to hear you say it."

He sighed with a shake of the head and paused briefly before saying what was on his mind, "Wanda, as much as I'd like to say no-" He stopped talking as Wanda raised an eyebrow of 'excuse me?'.

"For your safety." He quickly saved himself; although, she'd still hold that against him. "I believe you're already aware of my feelings towards you, so yes. I Am... 'Okay with it', as you humorous humans would say."

She smiled and looked slyly up at him through her eyelashes, "I already knew all of zat, you are correct, and thank you for telling me anyway." Her devious smile was shot down quickly after hearing close footsteps near the two.

Grinding her teeth, Wanda saw the intruding was by a girl who had huge black glasses, long brown hair tied into a ponytail, and a heart shaped face. Her clothes and frame were blocked by her overly big lab coat.

Overall, she was a total nerd.

She barely studied the two with interest; almost as if what they were doing was perfectly normal.
Of course, a girl with tangled hair, and dark wild eyes, being cradled by a floating, calm, red-skinned man.

Sure, why not?

"Uh, hey, are you Wanda Maximoff?" The girls index finger swished around towards their direction. Each of the girl's nails were chewed down to the skin and chipped fingernail-polish haunted her damaged fingers.

Wanda raised an eyebrow. "Me?"

The girl scoffed in a friendly way. "Yeah, you. Unless you're telling me that the guy holding you is actually Wanda."

Wanda liked this girl's spirit. She folded her arms and tilted her head. Vision studied the odd girl also, but held his distance. She seemed a bit... Crazy. Her hair was frizzled, and her makeup was not makeup. It was just smudges on a portrait.

"Okay, good point. But I'm tired, make this quick. Vhat do you need?"

The girl grabbed a clip-board out from one of the huge white pockets of her lab coat, and pushed her glasses higher up her nose and began to squint at the paper that was clipped down. She looked diligently and read every sentence twice.

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