The Possibilities

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Clover seemed to be in a trance for a moment, until her senses came back to her, and she bolted to the door- Sam trailing after her.

Wanda on the other hand, didn't have that choice, and looked at Vision.

"Vell, apparently, zee only reason I found his mind, vas because he vas so close... I guess zat makes sense..." She bit her lip and stared intensively at one of the tiles on the floor while Vision began to think.

He spoke to her after a long, deep, thought.

"I don't believe you." He stated.

Wanda whipped her head towards Vision with a shocked expression. "Excuse me?"

Vision locked eye contact with her, and nodded ever so slightly. "You knew exactly where he was. You have known exactly where he's been in the last five hours." His voice, though showed no emotion, Wanda felt accused.

"I had zee coordinates, remember? And I deed no such thing." She crossed her arms and slouched.

Although, he was right.

She had found where James was. And she had connected to his mind.

She just didn't want to find him, tell Clover, and then be asked all the time from people to find their loved ones.

They were lucky she had said yes just this once. She was simply doing this just because she cared for Steve enough to make him stop bothering her.

Wanda. I know you too well, and you may defy my propositions, but no matter what you suggest to me, I know when you are dishonest.

Wanda huffed, still crossing her arms, and tried to hide the smirk that was emerging on her face.

Vision shook his head, and both him and Wanda snapped their heads over to the door of the lab to see Clover running in with Steve behind her.

"I thought Sam said he was injured, and that he was in the building! But nooo you lied just to get me down there fast enough, to say to me he has his freakin' arm stuck in a- who knows what, and now because of your choice of actions, I have to call freaking ANT MAN FASTER THAN I THOUGHT I WOULD."

Clover ran over to her phone on the desk and immediately pressed a button and her phone began to ring.

"You have him on speed dial?" Steve demanded.

Clover gave him a glare and raised an eyebrow. "Yesh. Yesh I do. I also have the presidents, would you like it, Mr. America? Or is that a bit too patriotic even for you?"

While the phone still rang, Wanda looked over at Vision and he raised his brow.

So you were lying to me. He isn't even in the building. Why did you lead Clover into thinking this?

Wanda rolled her eyes.

I was giving Sam and Steve time to get here. And Sam said all those things because he wanted her to move fast.

She slightly chuckled.

The little jerk had her get twelve computers, two doctors, and all of her supplies for healing- up and running in ten minutes.

Wanda frowned.

Of course, now those things are sort of just sitting there, but he needed her to be distracted while he talked to some agents in secret. Besides, those things will need to be used in about three hours, when Mr. Scott decides to help us.

Vision looked at her and shook his head almost in shock, admiration, and disgust, all rolled into one.

Why did Sam need to distract...?

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