The Truth

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I'm suuuppeerrr excited for this, so yeah... All rights go to MARVEL!!! And whoever has a part in this!!!

"Good job Wanda. That kick was amazing but the uh... 'Tricking part...? I wasn't too fond of," Steve raised his arms quickly in surrender when she opened her mouth to argue. "But if it works, it works. Great job Scarlet Witch."

Wanda smiled down at Steve when he gave her the nickname and jumped down to give him a small shake of the hand. "Thanks Cap."

The good soldier nodded in approval and bid her a goodbye as he spotted a sweat-drenched Hope. He sighed and started to walk over towards the Russian and the exhausted girl— he might as well help out.

Wanda twisted around to her opponent when she heard a groan and handed him her right hand in a helping manor. Surprisingly, he took it. She smiled apologetically,

"Sorry about all of zat... I'm usually sort of nice." She smiled awkwardly and uncomfortably laughed it off.

He grunted and nodded. "Me too." He took his hand away, and without another word he sauntered off to another room in the base. Wanda frowned from the rude departure but immediately smiled once she turned around to see Vision tilting his head; observing her.

"That was... Highly impressive."

She playfully frowned; crossing her arms over her chest. "But you're confused."

He furrowed his eyebrows and nodded. "How did you know?"

She started to laugh, and that only made him even more perplexed. Wanda stopped when she came accustomed to the fact that he really had no clue what he was doing. "Oh... Poor you. You von't know what your habits are, do you?"

Wanda received her answer before he even replied, because he was tilting his head to the side even more. She started to giggle, and covered her mouth with the back of her left hand. Her eye's were shining with tears from holding back laughter.

"I'll tell you when you grow up. But now... I have training to do."

Wanda began to walk away, and it was now Vision's turn to be amused. She stopped when she heard his voice call out to her.

"Yes, I know. You are to practice with me, for the rest of the day."

Wanda stopped mid-track as her heart involuntarily fluttered, and then turned around to face him with an opposite expression than his own. She scowled,

"You're kidding." She said, defeated.

Wanda looked away from the android and found Steve in the far side if the room; obviously trying not to be seen. He was still walking slowly across the room to talk to Hope, who was sweating even more from her training with Nat.

When Steve did risk taking a glance at her, she glared daggers at him. Vision only chuckled.

"He said we work well together. That we're compatible."

Wanda scoffed, and after a moment of thinking she slowly turned to face him and nodded her head. "Alright, he's got a point. Okay. Where are vee training?"

"Your box. It's the only safe place." He said immediately and too fast to sound unconcerned.

She rolled her eye's at his obviousness and made her way to her training box. She spun around when he arrived. "Eet's not a box. Eet's a square. That's a tinier..." She lost her thoughts after she had no other come back. "Training room." She finished; trying to make a point. She was failing miserably.

Vision chuckled deeply, and walked into the middle of the room.

"Are you ready?" He said, turning to her face on the last word.

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