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LAST CHAPTER! EEEKKKK You guys are going to hate me!

This fanfic has been really fun to write, and to all of you that read this, and that have supported me are absolutely amaze-balls. I'm like, a little sad to let this section of the series go. :( I'm sorry for not updating every week, school is crazy, and I'm really grateful none of you guys commented on my faults, so thank you for this wonderful journey you have given me.

I would like to dedicate this to all of my super supporters: ThE1975EvE Galasriniel_00 linnerhugs2020 aubriLovveee noodlesshuckenrock~

There was definitely SO much more supporters, but there were so many! Just know that if you ever liked, commented, or messaged me- you made me smile.


"I found myself being panicked, but of course I stood my ground as the first bullet flew by," Agent Carter closed her eyes as she shook her head. Her blonde curls bounced up and down from the notion. "I was... Looking at who they could be, and then clear as day- I saw that the badge on their vest was a very familiar symbol."

Everyone in the room stayed as quiet as they could, just to hear her next words. Wanda felt herself starting to get worried, and glanced over at Vision to see him looking concerned as well. Wanda frowned. If that wasn't a bad sign, she didn't know what was.

Sharon took a huge gulp of air and sat down on one of the leather chairs- clearly exhausted from her little show. "It was the—"

The door suddenly crashed open with Clover running in with a huge cut on her face, she seemed to be limping. A wild and frantic look was on display rather than her usual intelligent face. Five or six people all stood out of surprise but Wanda stood still as she watched Clover heave in and out.

"RUN!" She cried out once she gathered her breath. Very suddenly, she tensed with a frozen look on her face. Wanda's blood seemed to vanish from her face when she felt the numbness in Clover. Wanda reached for the girl's mind once again and felt nothing. Not one thought was going through her brain.

Everyone watched in horror as she went down in a heap- a dart sprouting from her back. Someone even gasped loudly, and a stifled scream rang in Wanda's ears. Wanda grabbed the edge of a couch for support. She stood in shock as everyone ran in a flurry around her. Some cursed, some shouted orders, and others froze— such as she did.

"Search for security, and make sure everyone is safe! Someone get Clover, and make sure she gets medical attention. Now! It's go time Avengers!" Steve ran his fastest to bolt the door Clover had just come through. Sam seemed to have the same idea and made it before Steve, and luckily, just in time. Once he slammed the emergency lock, the door began to shake in fury, banging and shouts on the other side were heard. Sam gave Steve a look of worry, then ran off to fulfill his orders.

Everyone else all filed out the other door to get their weapons, and possibly their suits–if they had enough time. Wanda still had done nothing by the time Vision grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the room. They were the last ones to exit. It wasn't until they reached the middle of that hallway when she felt herself coming back to reality and to what was happening.

"I don't understand..." She muttered; still slightly dazed by Clover's bloody appearance. Was she ever going to hear that crazy girl's ideas ever again? Was she dead? Did she faint? So many questions rang in her head, she had to squeeze her eyes shut and was forced to block the theory's out. She was only making herself suffer more than she had too.

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