The Trade

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Wanda stared at Alice with an expression that was dead and inexistent. Wanda didn't know how to react. Was Alice even telling the truth? Even if she was, how could she be so sure it was Pietro in the first place?

Wanda decided to do the only thing that was possible for her. Leave.

She her head away from the helpless girl and drifted away from her own mind. She needed to get away. Someplace no one could reach her. She couldn't take the things that were stated— so why did she have to listen? Only bad thing about not listening to other humans, was that she had to hear her own self thinking. Each thought triggered another door. She was going down the rabbit hole, but this time; there wasn't an end.

Many times she thought she wouldn't be socially attached to another human being other than Pietro. And when he died—it only made that idea stronger. Then Alice had to ask if she felt anything for...

She gulped, and closed her eyes. She couldn't even picture him anymore. It was all just red.

This really wasn't her day.

She barely heard Alice scream when Wanda was suddenly greeted from a cold feeling in her heart and mind.

Welcome... Wanda Maximoff...

Wanda snapped her eyes open and looked around to find she was not in her safe bedroom. She was in a dark, scary, place, instead.

Wanda yelped and scrambled backwards once she realized she was looking straight towards a clothed skeleton. Wanda's eyes widened. She couldn't move; she was paralyzed with fear.

Don't worry young one... You're not really here....

Her voice made Wanda shiver, and Wanda realized just how cold she was. The room around her was just... Black stone. Not the best heat source.

I just came to inform you.... Alice is right... But that girl had no right to tell you.... or to sneak around...

Death hissed. The noise sounded as if millions of snakes were emerging from her mouth. Wanda wouldn't be too surprised by the action.

The girl will pay.... But first.... Do you want your Pietro back?

Wanda became aware of everything she was speaking now. Her ears became clearer just when she heard her brother's name. There was a certainty good feeling towards his name.

"Of course I do. He's my brother. Vhy wouldn't I van't him back? And vhat do you mean, 'Alice will pay'?" Wanda spoke, crossing her arms to make a point. She still sat on cold the ground. She stood up slowly and steadily straightened herself.

A choking sound was heard. Wanda looked towards the destructor with worry— until she realized that Death was actually laughing.

So... hmmmm, sweet... You're so dedicated and loyal to friends... Even if you may not show it... You would even sacrifice your brother to save a... Living friend.... Hmmmm, very touching indeed...

Wanda starred up at the tall and scary woman. Was she even a woman? That's the real question. And what exactly could she do to Wanda.

"My brother ees dead."

Another choking laugh came from Death. Spiders crawled up Wanda's spine. Anticipating what her offer was actually going to give her. Craving a life that was not meant to be alive.

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