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The light coming in from the curtains made me close my eyes tightly, trying to keep the light out of my eyes. I felt both tired and energetic. Either way, I did not feel like getting out of bed. I had yet to move, I was hoping to fall back asleep, a weight on my chest and arm kept me from switching into a more comfortable position, though. I attempted to roll over hearing a murmur and something brush on my chest. 

My brain was still foggy, I pulled on my arm, trying to get it free, realizing my arms were wrapped around someone. I peaked an eye open all the events of yesterday flooding back in all in a rush. I broke out into a large grin at first, spotting Isabel in my arms. Her light breath that still body apart from her raising and falling chest let me know she was still deep in sleep, not bothered by my shifting before. My eyes scanned her face and still naked body. Last night was much needed. No, yesterday was much needed. All of it. 

So much happened in the span of twenty-four hours. I traced my eyes over Isabel's face on repeat. I could look at her sleep all day. Was this creepy? There wasn't much else I could do right now. There was no way I would be able to remove myself without waking her. I didn't want to ruin this moment I had watching her at peace. Her lips were path a little. She looked so cute. My neck felt strained from looking down at her on my chest.  So I decided to go back to sleep.

I made myself as comfortable as possible in my current position. My free arm eloped her, and my mind went blank, then a flash of all the dirty things we did came to mind. My heart picked up, and I took a breath to calm myself and clear my mind. I was tired for a reason. I let out a deep breath, my eyelids now heavy. 

Before I could return to my slumber Isabel shift in my arms, that's when I realized how wrapped up together we were. Being naked didn't help the situation at all. Her face snuggled into my neck, her left leg in between both of my legs, along with half of her body on top of me. Her left arm around my waist. It was like she was making sure I didn't leave. Her chest pushed against mine every time she inhaled. It was safe to say we were tangled together. Her squirming made her press on things unintentionally. I let out a gasp when her knee grazed my lower lips.

I felt her eyes flutter open on my neck and a smile on her face. I kept my eyes closed. I feared it would turn sour again if I did. My heart sunk at the thought of this all being some dream. What if I woke up and I was back at the point in time where I was heartbroken about Isabel getting back together with her ex. That couldn't be. My arms subconsciously tighten around Isabel, wanting her closer. I didn't want to let her loose and lose her all over again. I had to keep her close. 

I felt lips press to my neck. She turned her head a little, kissing another spot on my neck, and ran her fingertips along my collarbone. My heart melted from this type of interaction. The woman in my arms lifted off of me, slightly kissing my cheek once, letting her lips rest there for a few seconds. Her lips moved to another spot on my check soon enough. Kisses were being plastered all over my face but not my lips. I smiled involuntary and peaked my eyes open just a crack. I could see her faintly through my lashes. 

Her contagious smile made me grin, my eyes adjusted to the light now fluttering open again.  I came face to face with a beauty. Her dark brown orbs sucked me right in. Her hair was messy, no longer in a bun. Her bed hair, her dazed eyes, and her smile with the light shining on her skin made her look so amazing. Waking up to her like this every day - I can't wait.

Her way of waking me, her affection, it made me feel... all happy and tingly.  Of course, I didn't know what this was. We haven't set any rule up for this or discussed the details. For all I knew, we could be in an open relationship. I needed to find out, and I'll find out soon. Isabel was something special. How we went about things this time, even if she wanted a go with the flow type of relationship, we would have to set up some type of guidelines, dos and don'ts.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26 ⏰

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