Welcome to the neighborhood.

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The New Neighbor POV

I saw Jayden this morning when I glanced outside hearing some noise. She and her friend were play fighting and I couldn't help laughing at how playfully and childish they were being. I heard her say something about the pancake. And immediately knew she had stolen one of her friend's.

I was now unpacking some of my stuff, all the necessary thing I need to use. I heard the doorbell, it rang about three times whoever was pushing it was going to get chewed out, I taught as I walked to get it. On my way, I heard one of them speaking,

"What if the neighbor is a psychic killer and she takes out her shotgun and shoots us?" They asked. "Mom, what if she is a racist who hates black people and she runs us off her property then yells 'don't come back you rotten varmints'." She gasped "Mom! what if they are human traffickers that ship us away harvesting our organs?"

I chuckled knowing that only Jayden would say something like that.

I heard a loud groan, "Jayden please shut with your stupid theories I had enough on the way."


"Jayden you are not getting out of welcoming the new neighbor."


I open the door, "I'm not a psychic killer, I don't own a shotgun and I'm not racist." I stated as the door swung open. "For the trafficking well you'll only know when it's too late." I laughed lowly shaking my head.

Like a deer in headlights, Jayden froze as she took me in. Her eyes traveled up from my legs over my entire body then finally landed on my face. The grey eyes looking directly into mine held all types of emotion ranging from sadness to anger and I felt a pang in my chest.

While our eyes were locked, I could see them begin to water slightly. After a few moments, she finally processed it. "Jayden! Give her the basket." Her mother said, waving her hand in front of her face. Her eyes fluttered like she had just woken up from a nightmare, she dropped the basket, then took off running. Her mother gave a confused look as she watched Jayden dash into their yard and into her house. She sighed and looked at me, "Sorry about that, she's not usually this awkward."

"It's fine."

She looked so embarrassed and I tried hard to stiff a laugh. "Well, let me make up for this." She motioned to the basket on the floor, "Why don't you come to dinner." She suggested, and I nodded. "Oh! And I will make Jayden came over with a new basket." She said picking up the now damaged basket. "By the way do you need help with unpacking? I could send Jayden over to help." She asked, volunteer her daughter.

I grinned, "That'll be great." she was going to be so awkward tomorrow.

"Okay well, I'll send her over tomorrow. Come by next week Saturday for dinner, wear something nice."

"I'll be there,"

Silence took over but she broke it, "Oh! I'm Lynda." She extended her free hand out to me, "Lynda Murphy." I took her hand shaking replying.

"I'm Isabel Taylor."

We let go of each other's hand and she asked, "If you don't mind me asking... how old are you? You look kind of young to be buying a house on your own."

"Yeah, I am. I'm 25."

"Okay, maybe you and my daughter could be friends. She just turned 21 a couple months ago." She smiled, then her hand slapped against her forehead as if remembering something important. "Well, I'll leave you to it. I have a scolding to give. See you on Saturday at six. Bye!" she said walking back to her house.

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