Old Times.

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It was Thursday yet again. The old wrinkly man was at the front of the class behind the podium giving his lecture. Every breath I took felt like my last. I was so bored I could literally die.

Don't get me wrong, I like learning and improving myself, but this man basically made it impossible for me to learn. He talked in slow motion. I swear if I didn't need this class I would be out the door already.

Thanks God this was my last year taking this shit class. Nine more months and I would be graduating. I couldn't wait. But for the time being I'd have to listen to the prehistoric dinosaur.

Currently Mr. Dinosaur was teaching business structure, I think. I'm not sure.

My eyes lids were heavy and my head was bobbing, each time getting closer and closer to the desk in front of me. Everything I spaced out as background noise. There was little chatter in the room and the booming, frail voice of the elderly man was fading.

My head hovered inches above the table my eyelids had a slight split in them, not allowing me to see much. All I could see were my eyelashes until I finally gave into my hibernating state.

Sleep had ultimately taken me over. I slept through the entire class, "Miss Murphy." I heard a deep voice whisper and light taps with a shove at the end of a hand on my shoulder. "Jayden Murphy," I heard again, the taps and shove getting a little more aggressive as seconds passed. "Wake up."

I shrug my shoulders trying to get the irritating person that was keeping me from sleep away from me, "Mom just five more minutes." I grumbled.

A low chuckle made me wonder when my mothers voice developed into such a deep manly type of sound. "I'm not your mom. Now get up and out of my classroom." I took a few seconds to collect my thoughts after hearing that sentence, realising that I wasn't home and my mother wasn't the one waking me up. It was Mr. Keen.

I hurriedly sat up to a standing position, rubbing my eyes like a little kid to pull myself together better. "I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean to sleep through your class."

"I have no idea how you pass my class." he muttered. "You're either sleeping or just in your own little world." he carried on, "I mean you never pass by more than five percent but you do." she spoke shaking his head, "I don't know how you do it, but if you'd put more effort into my class you could get better grades."

I rubbed the back of my neck uncomfortably, "I'll try Mr. Keen."

He hummed in response, "I'm sure my granddaughter will help you with that." he snickered, "Or have you fallen asleep on her too."

I smiled, "Not yet sir."

He stretched out his hand and I then noticed that he was holding a heap papers stapled together. "Well... as usual I printed out your notes for you." he paused setting them down on my desk with all my other stuff. "You should pay me for those." he said with a raised brow and a tilted head.

He was a nice man, he was just old fashion and boring as hell, but nice. He would often crack a few bad jokes then laughed at then even if no one else would. Now when he laughed his booming laugh and saw his face light up you just had to laugh too. He would lean against his podium letting out a his hearty accidentally knocking over the book he was using or changing a slide on his power point then he would mumble an 'Oh darn' then continue with the slide.

I smiled thankful for the notes. Lord knows. "Thank you sir. I'll make sure to send a cheque over asap."

He slightly smirked, "I'll hold you on that one."

I gathered all my belongings before exiting his classroom, before entirely leaving I thanked him one again bidding my goodbye. A muffled reply sounded. I walked the hallway to my next class.

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