A Sign.

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This is the second stage of cheating ; Fantasizing about someone else. Is it cheating though? We haven't made things official, he could be doing just what I'm doing or worse. But regardless of what he's doing I need to focus on what I doing. I've basically cheated before we even started.

Oh god, I'd have hit stage three if I actually kiss her. Oh wait, I did kiss her, and grope her.

Now I feel bad about disturbing her and guilty for fantasizing when somewhat in a relationship. Sure, we're not official yet, but that's what makes it worse. The relationship hasn't even started officially and I'm cheating.

I need to tell Kyle and figure out what I want for the hundredth time and where we stand. We haven't talked since our date. I don't know if he even likes me anymore. Who knows. If he didn't like me anymore, maybe I would stop delaying and figure out these miserable emotions called feelings. It's never that simple though. I should write that on a todo list, make it a number one priority.

Emily was currently going on and on about something. I had zoned out for who knows how many times. So lost in thought I didn't see Emily's hand coming at me until it was too late. She slapped me across forehead.

"What the fuck Em?" I yelled ready to slap her back. She was already running though.

"Nothings wrong with me." she yelled. "You're the one that zoned out. Do you know how long I've been waving my hand in front your face?" She asked as we stopped at her car. She was on the drivers side and I was on the passenger.

"So you slap me dumb ass?" I moved to go get her running around the front only to have her run around back.

"What better way was there? She grinned. We kept running around the car for a good five minutes running back an forth until I finally caught up to her and put her in a head lock. We both screamed and giggled as we played around and I mess with her hair. She shot a few threatened to and I was quick to shoot some back.

What I wasn't expecting was for her to try to pick me up. The next thing I knew was we were both on the floor laugh our asses off. I shoved her playfully and we kept going back and forth. I shoved her and again, but she just stared off somewhere and her face contoured from a amused to pissed.

I raised an eyebrow at her but she just ignored me, got up and stepped behind me. Then I hear her speak. "What do you want?"

I rotated my body into the direction of her and towering over her was none other than the magician Kyle... get it? because he just disappeared? No? Okay whatever.

"I came to talk to Jayden. I wanna give her a ride home."

"Oh now you want to talk? Guess what my best friend will not be led on by you and your twisted mind just so she could end up like one of your other toys." She placed her hands on he hips sassily, "What do you think she is a door for you to just come walking in and out whenever you please?" She shook her head and I thought she wanted to attack him, so got up.

"Em calm down." I rested my hand my hand on her shoulder, "It's okay."

"Jay be quiet and let me handle this. You don't need to be going through this again." She brushed me off and continued to give Kyle a speech. He looked at me with pleading eyes and I just shrug innocently.

Kyle had the great idea to interrupt Emily during her speech. "I just want to talk to Jayden."

I stared at him like he just murdered someone. "Oh no."

She tilted her head in confusion, "Did you just... cut me off." she asked like she didn't know.

Kyle ignored her and looked at me, "Can I take you home so we could talk?" he asked and Emily just about lost it at his unbelievable audacity and rudeness.

The Ex Friend With Benefits.(girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now