Thank You Misspoken Words.

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The Human brain can recover some lost memory, researchers believe that a person can only preserve memories in your brain if the relevant neurons were active Your mind can slow near-term memories down to a dormant state where they're in the background, but remain ready to come back when necessary.

And yes I stole that for the internet. Maybe changed a few words but that's okay, so long as I say thanks. So Thanks Google.

As I was saying the human brain can also recover memories if given the right stimulus. Like a place or a symbol, an action, anything that could be used to jog their memory. A minor or major detail that would make everything just come back so they can remember something. Lets say Barbie girl was playing in the background a few minutes before you passed out or something, if you listen to that song you recover bits and pieces, hopefully until you remember exactly what happen or almost exactly. Music can help bring back some of those special moments of their lives that they have forgotten.

Sunday afternoon...

My mother was outside doing her usual Sunday gardening. Watering and clearing those stupid weeds around her plants and flowers. I hated every one of those flowers, I got a lot of shit speeches for either completely destroying or squashing those flowers in her stupid garden as a kid. Or as my mother like to say harassing and discriminating her flowers, I don't know what she thinks her flowers are. Humans? She does treat them like humans. She gives those little shits more vitamins and minerals than she gives me. Who puts flowers where they know they kid is most likely going to trample over while playing outside? Then she'd make me dig a hole and plant new ones.

I was on the couch with my phone in hand texting, scrolling on IG and watching TV, but I really was just using my phone and using the tv as background noise so I don't feel lonely. That's beside the point. Emily had already left to go home after breakfast, she texted me saying see got home safe and she was spending time with her parents.

The muffled sound of my mother was heard through the walls of the house then the front door opened and my mothers voice became audible, "Jayden."

"Yeah mom." I answered only to have silence greet me. "Mom?" I said again gaining the same result.

See this is what I hate. They call you then don't reply when you reply, they make you get up to see what they want instead of telling you what they want so you know what you have to do when you get to them and make everything easy.

But, nooooo, they have to call you once make you feel like you're talking to yourself get up with no clue what they want and disturbing you from being lazy and comfortable or doing something important to you.

I groaned, throwing a mini tantrum before tossing my hands in the air and walking out to my mother. She was there leaning impatiently against the frame with her gloves off and in one hand. "What took you so long?" she asked, but I knew she wouldn't give me enough time to answer her before she told me what she called me for. She was already walk out the door putting her gloves back on. "Go help Isabel take some boxes into her house."

"Okay." I breath and lazily and slowly made my way over to Isabel's driveway and to her car shoving my phone into the pocket of my shorts.

I really didn't want to see Isabel after what I learnt last night, I could have made a complete fool out of myself or said some shit. When I get drunk I say things that I want to but don't have the guts to, do thing that I shouldn't be doing and open up and let things out that I don't want anyone to know because either I know I'm gonna get hurt or I've been hurt by doing it and I'd rather not have a repeat.

Seriously I could have done anything, the only thing that may have kept me from doing that is Emily. Knowing how we get when were both drunk I hope we didn't give Isabel too much trouble. Emily tends to like to walk when she's drunk and me being her loyal companion would be walking with her. I could only imagine Isabel trying to take us home.

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