Is That...

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Business Administration.

The definition of business administration is a program of studies offered at universities and colleges that focuses on business theories, practices, and management.
- Google.

How I hate this damn class. I wouldn't have chosen to do this if my father hadn't claimed it would be useful for future purposes. Why? I don't even know. Besides managing a business that Emily and I started by accident. We took care of everything just fine to me. Maybe I'd find out soon, but for now, I needed to at least listen to the old bastard. Was that even possible?

The man was so boring, I'd pay more attention to paint drying or better yet grass growing. He was talking and talking and I could even understand anything, but he just kept going, using a word that wasn't in my vocabulary yet. How was I to learn if I can't even put his words together to make sense? And to make matters worse the bell wouldn't ring to end the class.

O.M.G. Why can't someone kill me like right now?

My fingers tapped on the desk as I watched the clock tick. As the last minute approached everything felt as though it was going in slow motion. The hands on the clock ticked and it almost looked like it was hesitating to move. I was on the edge of my seat as I counted down the last ten seconds of class.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one," I mumbled, my eyes closed shut as I waited to hear that loud abnuctious sound I love and hate. Loved as it ends my ordeals and hated when it ended my breaks.

I waited patiently for it, but the bell never came. I looked back at the clock seeing there was still an entire fifteen minutes left.

How? What? What the hell? I could have sworn that said 1:59. Why? Why do my eyes deceive me?

My foot tapped the floor as I grew more and more impatient. Thank goodness the bell went and I was the first out the room. Out of the room that was supposed to fill me with knowledge. Oh boy, what a joke.

I walked out to the parking lot and headed towards Emily's car waiting for her. Yes, yes. I know what you're thinking, 'if you're rich and your father's rich, why don't you just buy a car?' Well if I were to buy a car I'd want some expensive, speeding ticket getting, loud, sexy car or a motorcycle, which I have but, don't use to go to class. I would rather not draw attention to myself and get attention from fake people.

Emily knows how I am about the whole 'not drawing attention to myself' thing. She thinks it stupid but she understands. It doesn't really matter though, her car is one of those you know, I mean it's not like her others... the ones she uses just for appearances.

I leaned on the hood of her car waiting patiently for her. The hot sun glimmered on my skin, sending waves of heat towards me. O.M.F.G why was the sun so hot today. Ehh I mean yeah shine all you want just don't be so damn hot. I took out my phone scrolling down my messages. Huh? Kevin? Why was Kevin messaging me?

Message: There are some fights Friday night, at the usual place. Hmu if you're interested.

Oh! There was an underground fight, cool. Whats a better way to start a weekend than with a fight? Besides food most?

Maybe Emily would go with me, be my moral support. I need to release some stress so what better than to kick someone ass. Tomorrow's gonna be so much fun, I can't wait. I should let him know that I'll be joining him tomorrow night.


Me: I'll be there. What time?
Kevin: 10:00.
Me: Kk.

An opaque figure came over me blocking the sun I was thankful and not at the same time. I was happy whoever it did block the hot, blazing sun, but mad because someone was in my personal space. Well not really but too close for my liking. And who was the idiot who had the courage to come up to me after my business class on Wednesday afternoon in this type of weather? Do I have to acknowledge their existence or maybe if I ignore them look enough they'll leave? Well boy, was I wrong they stayed and I not in the mood.

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