A Little Handful 1.0

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~ Flashback ~


Once again, I checked my phone. Every minute or so I would grab my phone to check my notifications, I was waiting to receive a text from Isabel. She had two things I wanted right now. Sex and food. Isabel offered to make me food again today since the last time she made me something we had a fight and I walked out on her. When she offered I could not refuse her. I would be getting a good high quality meal and sex. Well if I think about it I was getting two meals. Yup, this was the life. Free food, free sex and I got to escape my mother for a while. Emily would be my scape goat if my mother decided to ask who I was with. However, I didn't use her as an excuse all the time only occasionally.

It was after class now. Earlier today I'd texted Isabel she didn't respond instantly which worried me a bit, but when I got the text from her saying she was babysitting I understood why. I asked if she needed me to come as reinforcement, she declined saying she owed me one for the last time as well as for the incident. I would've ditched class in a heart beat to help her out. I would drop almost anything if it meant hanging out with Isabel. It was nice being around someone like her. I wasn't ready to open up to her again since our fight, but I would get back there eventually. Especially after the night we had in her office.

After what felt like an eternity, my phone dinged. I snatched it up so fast, it almost slipped out of my hand. I quickly sent back a response saying I would be there soon. I stuffed my phone into my pocket the prepared to get up, I was trying not to show too much excitement. I didn't want to give Emily the wrong impression. She would figure it out eventually but right now, I didn't want to explain to her the dynamic between Isabel and I even though it has been going on for months now. I believe it was obvious at this point. I just didn't want to talk about it with her. She was my best friend and all, I just didn't want her to go into over protective mother mode on me.

When I got up to leave Emily spoke up, "Hey... I know Kat set you guys up but," I turned around to see her giving me a concerned look. "be careful with this girl. I already know you like her." I laughed it off as though it was preposterous. She gave me a dry look, "I know you, you like her. Not to mention the way you check your phone for her and help her out." I huffed out. I would deny this to her even if she put a gun to my head.

"Its just free food and sex." I replied then checked my phone again which made me smile seeing another text come in from Isabel telling me to be safe and take my time. I looked over at Emily who pointed a finger at me. "I'm serious. Nothing will happen." I tried brushing it off casually.

I groaned out when she set the book down that she'd been reading, "I want to meet her." My eyes widen in shock and I held up my hand. I shook my head after a few seconds, "I just want to know who it is you're messing with." I raised an eyebrow at her as if asking why. "I just need to know who to beat up if things go wrong." I laughed and she kept her poker face. She couldn't be serious. If she was there would be no way I was letting her near Isabel, she was too cute to beat up. It would be like hurting a helpless puppy.

"Ah let me think about it and get back to you." I said in a thoughtful voice as I turned around, pretending to walk away then turn, "I thought about it, no way."

She got up with her hands on her hips, "Hey no fair, you met my crush."

I walked closer to her in case anyone was around to hear us, "That's because she's our professor." I tapped her shoulder, "Let me ask her about it okay. But it'll be weird." I mulled it over in my head. Isabel and Emily meeting would complicate things. We were supposed to be friends with benefits. If I started to introduce her to my friends wouldn't that cross some type of line?

The Ex Friend With Benefits.(girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now