Liquid Courage.

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As soon as I opened the door to the bar, the aroma of alcohol, sweat and smoke hit me. The lively music blasted throughout the entire establishment and I was loving it, everything except the sweat. Regardless of that I walked in, making my way to the bar and sitting on a bar stool.

You know what I like about the weekend. I don't work on the weekend... well I do, but only on rare occasions and I didn't have to this weekend. I just had this eerie feeling that something was gonna happen, I just couldn't put my finger on it.

I just pushed my random thoughts and feeling away just as Kat approached me from behind the bar. "Well hello what can I get you tonight miss?" She asked as she lean on the surface casually looking at me with a playful smirk.

I decided to play along, I look at the menu, pretending to read it then back up at her. "I don't know, give me what you'd have?" I said with a seductive smile.

"Okay one of my personal favourites coming right up." She said and began mixing a drink. when she was finished she slide it right over to me. "Tell me what you think.'

I brought the straw to my lips taking a sip. I looked up at her through my eyelashes and bite my lower lip, "It tastes great." I purred slightly with a little smirk.

She nodded and wiped down her station. "So what's a beautiful woman like you doing here all alone?" Kat looked at me the same way I did her as her eyes ran over my body, licking her lips before leaning in a little over the bar.

I took the straw between my thumb and index finger stirring the drink a little as I look down at it.. "Probably the same reason you're behind that bar. Maybe we're destined to meet." My finger roamed over the rim of my drink, just as I looked up to lock eyes.

"Okay, okay you win." She chuckled.

Just as I was about to reply shouts interpreted me as a body moved next to mine and plopped right on the stool. "Kat! Kat! Kat!" I turned to see the owner of the voice. Of course I knew who it was without looking even with her slight slurring. "Shots Kat!"

Kat sighed as she starred at Jayden. "How wasted are you?"

"Clearly not enough, I made it all the way here without falling or using anyone to hold myself up." Jayden smiled. Gosh, even with alcohol in here system she was cute... maybe even cuter. "Please, please, please." she begged, her lips pouted as she laid her head on the bar and looked up at Kat with puppy eyes.

Kat just rolled her eyes at Jayden. "You're already drunk Jay bear."

The girl next to me whined them pouted even more and gave her even cuter puppy eyes. She really was adorable. "Pleaseee Kitty Kat, pleaseeeee."

I could see Kat trying not to give into Jayden, but she was too weak. Especially after using that nickname. Gets her every time. "Oft okay fine, you know I can't say no to that face." Kat reached her hand over to ruffle her friend or more like kid's hair. "But only if you eat something too." Jayden growled like a lioness and moved her head to bite Kat's wrist. "Hey be nice or no shots" Then she began pouting again. "Good girl." she patted Jayden's head then left.

I sat there looking at Jayden, taking a sip of my drink ever so often. She hadn't even noticed me at all. Well that was until I tried sipping my drink and nothing came out besides an awfully loud sound.

Her head snapped up to me and she immediately sat up, she sort of looked embarrassed. If she only know I thought she was so adorable. Before either of us could say anything Kat returned with some fries and buffalo wings. "Eat this and then you can have your shots."

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