Game Night.

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Know when you say you're not going to do something then you end up doing that something. You know deep down that you're not supposed to, its for the best, but you do it anyway, maybe not willingly, or without trying another option maybe because its too hard and the easiest option is well... easy.

It could be something bad or something good, something you need to avoid for a reason you want to. I don't know. Just something that makes you stop something, take someone out of your life forever or temporarily. Something that... who cares humans just do stupid shit without reason and when desperate.

Stupid shit is how we learn. Soooo...

Here we go again. Once again I somehow found myself at the door of Isabel's lovely home. Was the universe against me or something? If you ask someone they'd probably say, 'The universe in not against you. The universe leads you place you need to go.' or 'Follow your heart, it knows what you have to do. What'll make you happy.' or my favour 'If its meant to be it'll happen.'

Fuck the universe and fuck my heart. The only reason I'm here is because, Emily and I had some shit to settle. After arguing and begging with my mother the lawyer, which was absolutely point less if you ask me. I had no other option... that were this easy, than to kindly ask Isabel for help.

Trying my best to not to drop anything I used my chin to ring Isabel's doorbell on a continuous loop. One because I didn't I needed this.

Two because I was scared as hell, so what I watch life time and horrors and anything with killing its only fair that Im going to shit bricks when Im alone in the dark outside with my hands full my back turned to anyone that could possible kill me, think about it now I should have enough common sense to not do this type of shit, come to think of it I should have just put everything in a bag walk with a gun and a knife, a baseball bat and a torch. Whatever too late, I was in a rush.

Wait! What if Isabel was in trouble, shit why wasn't she answering, what if some physio was in there right now trying to kill her?

As countless stupid life time movie scenes raced through my head and my paranoia acting up the rate of ringing the bell increased. I didn't hear quick, angry footsteps approaching the door nor did I hear the string of curse words that left Isabel's mouth when she saw me hunched over with my chin attached to her door bell and overflowing hands.

The profanities proceeded as, "What the fuck? Can't someone have a fucking peaceful bath in their own home after a God damn stressful week?" face growing red with anger, "You fucking ass. Why are you even here? What is with you and ringing peoples' door bells more than once?" She fumed. "You press the damn thing once and wait for the person to come answer. Are you dumb? You're like a child with a new fucking toy, or better yet a puppy with a new chew toy." And she carried on. "Do you know how fucking annoying it is to have someone ring your God damn bell like that, you little cunt?"

She finished about five minutes later, after a countless string of curse word and threats. Her face red like a newly polished apple, chest moving up and down rapidly, hands in fists.

I could only stand there silently waiting for her to calm down she looked like she was about to beat me my whole family and the family dog. I didn't know what else to do after being threatened to be shoved back up my mother and be born again. That sent an agonizingly slow, terrorizing shiver down my spine, past my spleen, through my hamstrings, deep to the corners of my toes, then back up again.

However, me being me took the time to run my eyes over her body.

Question. When did they start making robes short and wow?

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