Office Apology

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I felt awful for what I said at dinner the other night with Jayden and Kyle. I had no right, I was just butt hurt, finding out that she was getting back with him. I can't believe I did something like that, but in the moment, it felt so good.

However, she has not been speaking to me, I texted and called. Hell, I even baked something, but she just shut the door in my face. I was shocked to say the least since Jayden has always forgiven me if I made her food. What if Kyle and her are already back together, and he told her not to speak to me?

No, no, Jayden would never. She'd never let someone make decisions like that for her. So how on Earth was I going to get that stubborn woman to speak to me? I groaned as I thought of what I could do just to apologize to her.

I know she won't listen to me if I show up at her house. The only ideas I had that I haven't tried was going to her office and tell her mom I needed help which would then make her force Jayden into it. Playing the latter situation out in my head only ended with Jayden doing whatever it was before just leaving with saying more than she had too.

I sighed and rest my head on my desk. I heard a knock on the door making me look up, "Isabel?"

"Yes?" I lifted my head to say then dropped my head back on the desk.

Meghan stepped into my office and shut the door, "You've been down like this all week and you haven't even seen any of the customs like usual. You just come in do your work in the office then leave." Meghan pointed out.

I shrugged, "So?" I sighed again.

"Well we're all worried and we'd like to help. So what the problem?" she asked, taking a seat on the chair in front of my desk.

"It's nothing."

"Come on Isabel."

I rolled my eyes and sat up, knowing that if I didn't tell her she'd continue to annoying me. "Fine, the problem is Jayden. She won't talk to me because I said something I shouldn't have."

"Jayden? As in the one you had your sex thing with?" I nodded slowly, "Jayden as in your new neighbor? As in the girl that came in a couple days ago with that guy?" She made a face as she layed out the facts in an effort to connect the dots. I nodded subconsciously only realizing she already had all the facts without me informing her. She was like a private detective. Private because she did it for herself and no one else. She was jus noise.

"Wait how do you know all of that?"

She smirked and got up immediately, "I think you should visit her."

I pouted like a little kid, "I can't she's ignoring me, she slammed her door in my face. She's really upset." I groan and put my head on the desk again.

"Where is she right now? Do you know?"

I nodded slowly, "Yeah, she's supposed to be at work."

She grinned widely and sat at my desk again, "I think you should go there, I mean she can't leave and you can always make her talk to you. Well unless she calls security and I think she won't because I'm certain she likes you..." she stared at me waiting for me to respond.

I raised my head, "Well if she likes me why did she break up with Kyle then come see me asking if we could take things slow then get back together with him again?"

She's just looked at me for a couple of seconds not saying a word. I assumed she was gathering her thoughts and processing. She finally snapped out of her daze to make a demand. 

"Tell me everything now," I sighed. I knew if I didn't tell her she couldn't help or give me any advice. So I spend about an hour explain to her exactly what happened and how I felt and she sat listening attentively. If she could've she would've taken notes. "Okay, so I think she's only trying to make it work with him because of her mom, I think that's what she meant by she's terrified. Though, if she really likes you she'll ignore it for the time being and once it gets serious then she'll deal with her mother." I listened to what she was saying and I did have hopes that she really did want me. "Also, she seems like a person that doesn't like everyone knowing about her personal life until she's absolutely certain. It seems like she came over to tell you, she's done with him because she was sure. But... there is still her mom. She's worried about her mother. Terrified of her mom. So be careful and don't push her to come out. "

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