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Lexa's pov

I woke up to the blinding sunlight beating down on us. Madison was still sleeping, she was cuddled up to her stuffed unicorn. Her bright orangish/redish hair falling over her face. I always had a love for her hair. Mine was boring brown. Of course I changed it a couple of times during Sophomore year, but now I don't want to damage it further. Her hair was long and she could practically do anything with it. She says she hates her natural hair, but I love it. I want to wake her up, but I know better. Quietly, I climb down the ladder and land safely in the grass.

"Since when do you guys go up there again?" Calum laughed. I smiled and shrugged.

"I thought about it last night. I felt like something was off and the tree house was perfect." I told him. My eyes went to the tattoo of my name on his arm. He was absolutely crazy for getting that, but I kinda like that he did. As much as Cal drove me insane, I loved him so much.

"I get it. Remember when Mikey and I used to water gun you guys in there? Then you came screaming to mom like a tattle tale." Cal laughed. The wrinkles by his eyes formed and you could practically see the happiness in his them.

"Yeah. Remember when you had soccer practice and you told me that I couldn't play because I was a girl, and I threw a random cleat at you?" I laughed. That cleat actually hit him in the arm, right where his tattoo of me is. He covered the scar with that.

"Yeah, mom was pissed. That was like the only time you have ever gotten in trouble. I am jealous." He smirked at me.

"Why are you jealous?" I countered. If anything, I should be jealous of my brother. He was outgoing, sure I was too, but I was also afraid to take risks.
"Because your life is so complete and you are the best child in the world. I feel like shit compared to you." He admits. I was shocked and just stared. I wasn't expecting him to say anything like that.

"Cal! Stop! You graduated didn't you? You can alway go to college! Its not like you are dumb, plus you are talented. You can sing and play the bass! I want to play a cool instrument! Your band is taking off and you got all the good looks. There is no way you should be jealous." I told him seriously. He looked at me with the his brown eyes that matched mine and gave me a light smile.

"Thanks, Lexa. And one more question," he looks at the ground as if he is embarrassed, "would you mind helping me study for the driver's test?"

"Of course not, Monkey Face! We can start tomorrow." I tell him and started for the inside of the house.

"Aren't you gonna wake up Maddy?" I hear Cal ask. I look to the tree house.

"Nah, she'll live. I need to go home. Got something to do, it's important. Have Mikey wake her up my nicely will ya?" I laughed. Cal shrugged and followed me inside. I caught Maddy and Mikey's mom by the kitchen.

"Hey mom," I say causally before taking a banana from the fruit basket.

"Good morning, Lexa. Where are you off to?" She smiled brightly.

"Home. I have some work to finish. Thank you for letting me spend the night!" I said.

"Stop saying thank you!" She scolded, "You practically live here!" I laugh and jog out the door. I only lived across the street so it wasn't like it was a long ways away.

"Calum?" I heard my mom call once I closed the door.

"No, mama, its me!" I yelled back.

"Okay!" I heard as I was running up the stairs to my room. Once I was in there I powered on my MacBook and hurriedly went to Google and started clicking away until I came across an article I wanted.

"My mom just said that because my brother and I were twins that we could understand each other's thought." Caroline, 27, from Connecticut told us.

"We never did believe her. We knew we were special. Thats when my brother [Jack] decided we needed to come in contact with someone who understood all this. Our grandmother. She died the previous year, but she was big on witchcraft and talking with spirits. So we took out her old Oujia board. At that time we were sixteen and didn't know what to expect.

Almost immediately asking for my grandma, we got a response. We asked her about our bond and she told us to watch out. That someone would be looking for us.

I didn't understand what exactly she meant, but within six weeks, my brother died. His heart stopped beating. That was the worst day of my life. It was like I lost my other half. After he died, I brought back out the Oujia board.

I was talking to Jack. He told me that someone had killed him, but the hospital found no evidence of murder. Til this day I don't know who or what killed my brother."

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