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Lexa's POV

"Lex?" It was halfway through the movie and I was already feeling sleepy.

"Luke." I respond and turn my attention to him. He smiled and kissed me unexpectedly. My eyes fluttered closed and I returned the gentle gesture.

"You are so perfect." He whispers. I blushed and bit my lip.

"And why are you being so lovey dovey? You sound like Ash." I joked and poked his cheek.

"I nearly lost you three times, Lexa. I just want you to know that whatever happens in life, I will always love you. I will love you when you are all fat and pregnant, because I know that that is my doing and we created a little Hemmings. I will love you when you turn forty and you look your age, because you are beautiful on the inside. Lexa, I am in love with you. I've never said that ever to anyone." He breathes out. I was shocked at his statement. I felt like an entire fleet of butterflies fluttered around in my stomach. I smiled like an idiot and all I wanted was to hold him.

"I am in love with you, Luke." I spoke to him. His face lit up like a Christmas tree and I couldn't help but giggle at him.

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. We are gonna get married and have three kids. And whenever we have the house to ourselves we will have crazy sex everywhere," he winked, "I can just picture it now."

"Picture what? The life we have together, or the sex?" I laughed and laced our fingers together.

"Both." He grinned cheekily.

"And about those three kids. What if I only want one?" I didn't only want one, I was just messing with him.

"Then I will love that child so much, it would be like I have three kids." He told me.

"You're cute, Hemmings." I scrunched my nose. He brought my hand up to his mouth and he kissed my knuckles. The metal of the lip ring was felt.

"You're beautiful, Hood." He replied. I smiled and turned my attention back to the movie, but all I thought of is what Luke said.
I don't want to get married until I am twenty-three. Which is only four more years. Can me and Luke handle another four years? I mean, the year and a half with him has already been so eventful, but I wouldn't want to go through it with anyone else but Luke.

And I could barely picture myself as a bride. I never thought I was wife material, but now I feel like I love looking at wedding dresses all the time and imagining myself in them. I want to walk down the aisle and look into Luke's eyes only. Lexa Nicole Hemmings. It has a ring.

"Luke!" I nearly shouted. His eyebrows pinched together.

"I have an ear I would love to keep." He scolds. I laugh and kiss him.

"I'm sorry, babe, I just realized something." I giggled out.

"And what was so important that I would need a hearing aid for it?" He asked me.

"When we get married, my initials will still be LNH." I said seriously. This was a big deal to me. "And I will learn how to rewrite my signature. Luke!"

"Lex, really? That's what you are stressed over? Wait! You said "when we get married."" His smile grew wide.

"Yeah, you already know I want to marry you." I replied.

"Yeah, but you never bring up any of this stuff. Which means you were thinking about it!" He said. I rolled my eyes and just looked at him.

"Of course I was thinking about it. You are the one that put the idea in my head!" I laughed and ate the rest of my churro.

"Awh, I love you, Lexa Hemmings." He cooed.

"Shut it, Lucifer." I grinned as he took a piece of my churro.

"Hey look," He points to Ash's car, "They aren't eating each other's faces off."

"It looks like they aren't even talking to each other. They are so far apart." I frown and lean over Luke's lap to see better.

I saw Ashton turn his head towards us and he started laughing and he looked down to his phone. Within in moments Luke's phone went off.

"Oh God." He chuckles.

"Let me see." I took his phone in my hands. It was a text from Ash.

It looks like Lexa was about to give you a blowjob

I decided to text back.

Yeah, its more than you are getting. What's up with you and Mads? ,Lex

Another text message came in. Wow, that boy typed fast.

Idk...she said she isn't feeling well. I don't know if I pissed her off or what.

"Something's up." I tell Luke.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Madison isn't talking to Ashton." I said simply.

"Wow, that is weird." Madison and Ashton rarely fight. Even when they do, Madison makes them talk it out. So its not like she has ever just stopped talking to him. It had to be something big and I have a feeling I know what that is.

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