Madisons POV
My phone began ringing and i looked at it confused. Im lucky i still have my phone, why is Ashton calling me at midnight.
"Hello?" I answered groggily.
"Lexa thinks Luke is at a diner and wants us to go are you up?" He asked very unamused. I think he's pretty pissed. "I told her you were grounded but-"
"That doesnt matter." I interupted. "Ill be outside in 5 minutes, park down the street so you dont get caught, i love you and see you soon."
"To the moon and back." He said before i hung up. I quickly threw on some yoga pant capri's, so i wasnt wearing cupcake shorts, a hoodie over my sports bra and my vans. Lexa is lucky i love her. I snuck out of the back door and ran around to the front then down the street to Ashtons car. I jumped in the front seat and began putting my hair in a ponytail.
"You look cute." He smirked.
"Its almost 1 am, i just woke up and im still tired, therefore stop lying to me and drive." I rested my head against the window.
"Sorry Love." He said taking my hand and driving. After what felt like forever we were finally in front of Lucy's diner and sure enough Luke and Jaycee were the only ones in there. Didnt i teach that bitch her lesson? Her face was still marked up and her lip swollen. The way she was starring at Luke made me angry but the fact that he was even talking to her was enough to drive me crazy. "Is that Luke?" Ashton asked. "With Jaycee?"
"Not for long." I growled jumping out of the car. I ran to the door amd threw it open. "Luke!" I screamed raising my fist but before it could go forward Ashton grabbed me and held me to his chest. Ashton was taller, wider and stronger than me so my struggling barely fazed him. "How could you do this to Lexa? She loved you, she still loves yoy and you blow her off for this whore, while she's in the hospital!" I began kicking but Ashton picked me up iff the ground.
"Because he knows ill give him what he wants." She hissed grabbing his hand.
"No Jaycee, i was just about to tell you to leave me AND Lexa alone." He said, i paused my struggling and Ashton loosened his grip.
"But dont you love me?" She pouted.
"Look, we went on one date and all i could think of was Lexa so no." He went on a date with her?! But i kept cool. Luke began walking away but she grabbed his hand and pulled him back to her. Kissing him widly.
"Thats to remember me." She whispered. I lost it i pushed out if Ashtons arms and grabbed her hair.
"You're a bitch." I yelled punching her in the jaw. Before o could cause more damage Ashton grabbed me and carried me to the car. "I hate her!" I yelled. "I hate him, how could you do that to Lexa!" I yelled again.
"I didnt know she was in the hospital." He called out.
"So that gives you am excuse to date other girls and Jaycee our of them all." I cried. I was in the front seat now and Luke was at the window.
"It was one date, i was trying to get Lexa off my mind but it didnt work. I couldnt stop thinking about her." He sighed.
"Then why havent you called?" I cried more. I was so frustrated that i didnt kniw what else to do but cry.
"I didnt think she's want to talk to me."
"You could have tried!" I yelled.
"I know, i know, im sorry ok. I'll call her later but if you see her can you tell her i miss her and she's all i think about." He sighed.
"You hurt her Luke, you hurt her alot, you didnt even try. She deserves so much better and i shouldnt, but i know how much she loves you so i will but you better call her!" I threatened.
"Ok." He sighed. I rolled up ny window and Ashton drove away. I looked over to see a smirk on hus face.
"What?" I said angrily.
"Nothing, ive just never seen you hit anyone like that before, you're cute when you're fired up." He giggled making me roll my eyes.
"Just take me home, im tired."
"Ok love." He saud kissjng my hand. I got home and went through the back again. I snuck up the stairs and to my room. When i shut my door and turned on my light ny mom was on my bed.
"Welcome back." She smiled sarcastically. Damnit.
"Look, i can explain." I began.
"Then you better start, because i just got a call from Jaycee's parents saying you punched her again! And they threatened to press charges Madison, you know we dont have that kind of money!" She screamed.
"Ok well after tonight there wont be a need to punch her." I promised.
"I know there wont, you're on restriction, no leaving the house unless you have ny permission and im taking your phone." She said holding out her hand.
"You cant be serious?"
"I am, give it to me now!" She growled. I sighed and handed over my phone. "If it's a call from Lexa, i'll give it back, a call from Ashton i'll consider it. But no leaving the house unless you have school and you're suspended so that wont be anytime soon." She gave me a fake smile before leaving my room. I sighed and threw myself on my bed. This was not good at all.

Bad Blood
FanfictionMadison and Lexa thought their lives were great. Perfect boyfriends , a perfect friendship and their brothers, not so perfect but they were pretty cool too. But when they discover their friendship is related with something from the past their life i...