Lexa's POV
The light that leaked through the window blinded me. "Luke?" I asked as I noticed he wasn't in bed. I clung the sheets to my naked body and waited for an answer, but all I got was silence. I got out of bed and threw on the nearest shirt I could find, which was Luke's Nirvana shirt.
"Lucas!" I called out once more.
"Down here, princess!" He yelled. I looked over the railing and there he was with his guitar and a notepad. I smiled to myself and made my way down the stairs.
"How long have you been awake?" I laughed lightly and sat down next to him. He smiled and kissed my lips softly.
"For about an hour. How did you sleep?" He questioned.
"Good, surprisingly." I told him. He set down his guitar and held me in his arms. I loved this boy.
"You know, one day, we are going to have little Hemmings running around." He whispered. I felt my heart sink. I never have thought about the future, with anyone. I know that I do want to have one with Luke, but I just don't ever talk about it.
"But not yet. In a couple of years. Maybe when I'm twenty-five." I said in all seriousness. Luke didn't question me.
"Wait, you said surprisingly." He frowned. I knitted my eyebrows together and tried to figure out what he was talking about.
"Oh, yeah, I've just been having some nightmares. Its okay." I shrugged it off.
"About what?" Luke asked me.
"Random moments in my life, but instead of me being there it would be Susie. Like the first time, she was sitting with you guys and then she was the one my mom gave birth to and-"
"Susie? Lexa! Why haven't you told me sooner? It makes perfect sense." Luke raced upstairs. I followed after him.
"Not again, not again, not again." He kept muttering. I became worried and felt myself tense up. Luke brought out his book again and flipped wildly through the pages.
"Here!" He pointed to a page. "It reads that once you put the souls back into the body. If the Old Soul is too determined, they fight back! They will extinguish their light! Lexa, this is how my brother died!" Luke said. His voice was shaky and I became even more scared.
"Luke, I don't know! What do I do?!" I cried!
"Lay down. I'm going to have to remove your soul to see how much Susie has taken over." I did as I was told and laid on his bed. I heard Luke mutter something, I am guessing in Latin and then I felt the air being drained from my body, but I wasn't falling into a darkness like last time. My eyes were still on my boyfriend.
I saw as he held the glowing green ball in his hand. There were massive patches of pink surrounding the outside of it. "Thats my soul?" I whispered and reached out to touch it, but Luke pulled back instantly.
"Fuck! This isn't good!" He growled and slammed it back into my chest. A loud gasp left me and I was breathing properly once more.
"We need to contact her. We need to know what this is about." He tells me blantenly.
"How do we do that?" I questioned. He was already closing his blinds and making the room dark.
"Sit. Cross legged." He commands. I fell to the floor and sat. He was trashing his closet and searching for something that I didn't know.
After several minutes he pulled out a box. It looked ancient. "Hold this." He handed me a vile. I took it from him and eyed the small tube.
"Okay. Here goes nothing.
In voluntate Dei veniendi ad nos spiritus nequam ego praecipio tibi hodie. Dic nobis géritur et omnibus ratio. We need spiritu tuo communicare et gubernet nos. In Dei nomine, moriemini." He was speaking Latin. Kinda hot.
A burning in my stomach made a loud scream to fall off my lips. A blindind white light flashed and I felt out of breath.
"Look who finally came around!" The words left my mouth, but they were'nt mine. The voice was of a small child. It wasn't me that was talking.
"Susie, why are you after Lexa?" Luke asked angrily.
"Why not? She has the perfect life. A perfect best friend, a perfect older brother, a perfect boyfriend," She moved my body and reached to touch Luke. She was in control. I couldn't move or speak. I had no power.
"Why can't you just die? Your life has nothing to do with her!" Luke said.
"Shut up! How would you feel if someone shot you at the age of six!? Because of the color or your skin? I watched my own brother die. He died with his hands tied to a stake. I heard him call for my mother, but she did nothing to save him! The man that killed me killed my best friend! His own daughter! If you were me you would want a second chance too!" She scream wildly. "There is no way in hell I am losing this opportunity. So I suggest you say bye to your pretty little girlfriend before I take over. Because once she is gone, I will make your lives a living hell! And I am coming after her pathetic friend first!" Susie cackled wickedly.
The pain stopped. The burning stopped, but Luke took me by my arm and rushed me down the stairs.
"Luke! Where are we going?" I questoned in a panic. You can't hide. Susie told me.
"We need to lock you up." Luke said solemnly.
"Hey guys!" Madison burst through the door, but she immediately lost her joyfulness. "Whats going on?" She asked.
Can't wait til I get my hands on her.
"We have to go!" Luke yelled and kept dragging me out the door. "Everyone back into the car!" Luke commaned.
Everyone piled in without question. Luckily, Amy and Alyssa weren't here. "Whats going on? Lex, are you alright?" Calum asked once the car started moving.
"No! Susie is going to takeover my body!" I cried.
"I thought that bitch was gone!" Cal screamed. I'm afraid not, dear brother.
"Well she isn't. Ash, to the cabin." Luke said. Cabin?
"So what are we going to do?" Madison asked me, but mainly everyone.
"We have to kill her." Luke said through gritted teeth.

Bad Blood
FanfictionMadison and Lexa thought their lives were great. Perfect boyfriends , a perfect friendship and their brothers, not so perfect but they were pretty cool too. But when they discover their friendship is related with something from the past their life i...