Madison's pov
I woke up to the sound of someone calling my name. I sat up dazed and confused forgetting where I was.
"Madison!" I heard Michael yell again. Ugh why did it feel so early. I checked my phone realizing it was 8 am. If Lexa was up this early she definetly had a hard time sleeping.
"Madison!" I heard again this time sounding more angry. I peeked my head out of the door to see Michael climbing up the stairs.
"Shut up and go home Mikey." I laughed lightly.
"Fine next time I wont check to see if you're still alive." He said continuing to make his way up here. "So why'd you guys come out here anyway?" He said playing with my unicorn.
"Because," I began snatching it away from him quickly. "We were having a hard time sleeping."
"Who you and Fredrick?" He laughed pointing at my unicorn. "I'll never understand why you're so attatched to that thing." He smirked.
"I dont know, he just makes the bad times better." I said with all seriousness. When i was younger and my parents would fight he was the only thing there for me, other than Mikey. He was my comfort, he still is, I have the hardest time sleeping without him, unless I'm with Ashton.
"So why couldn't you sleep?" He said seeming to show no interest.
"I dont know, Lexa was feeling uneasy so we came out here then she started talking about us having some bond thing and it kinda freaked me out-"
"Wait, wait, wait. What do you mean a bond thing." He was suddenly interested.
"She said she thinks we have some special connection, something to do with a past life. I dont know it was just kind of scary." I said nervously picking at my unicorns fur.
"A bond like you could possibly be the same person?" He asked stopping me dead in my tracks.
"How'd did you know?" I asked starring into his wide eyes. I could see the fear in them and it terrified me, Michael never gets scared.
"Because Cal and I have the same thing but now that you know this is dangerous and we need to go talk to them now." He said in a panic and rushed down the steps.
"Where are you going?" I called after him.
"To get Cal, call Lexa and meet us at their house." I did as told while climbing down the tree. After three rings an answer.
"Are you ok?"
"No not really," I answered. "Mikey said we all need to talk so we're coming over."
"Ok because i needed to talk to you too." I could basically hear the distress in her voice.
"Ok I'll be there in a sec." I said before hanging up. I ran across the street quickly and up to Lexa's room.
"They're people from a past life," Mikey explains. "They had a past relationship that wasn't approved of or was ruined by something so they set two people of the present with a special bond. After the bond is close enough and the people discover the bond they move in closer. Once they're close enough they take the soul of one of the bonds and live in their body to get they're happily ever after."
"Mikey what the hell are you talking about?" I yelled.
"Maddy, I know it sounds crazy but you have to believe me. There are spirits from the past after your soul." He panted. I gave him a confuse look then he continued. "They're after your bond, they're after you and Lexa."

Bad Blood
FanfictionMadison and Lexa thought their lives were great. Perfect boyfriends , a perfect friendship and their brothers, not so perfect but they were pretty cool too. But when they discover their friendship is related with something from the past their life i...