chapter five

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I am sitting near my window,looking outside at the moon thinking how I am going to go on a date for the first time in my 24 years of life. Years back when I was 12 I started reading romance novels, I always wanted to experience a date.  That time I was in love with Vihaan , but I knew from the first that we weren't meant for each other. I always believed that somewhere in the multiverse there a me and Vihaan that works. I decided to wait for my future husband to take me on a date rather than making boyfriends. We never know what is our future and we shouldn't give fake hope to anyone. I agree that some love stories are successful but not all are. What if I made a boyfriend and we couldn't be together ? I believed in god that what will happen will be for my good and it is happening.

I smiled at my thoughts as I waited this many years and I am getting what I want. I am much curious to know where he is going to take me.



I  at my balcony looking at the moon and thinking , how I am feeling even though it is not my first date. I went on dates before with Aarushi.

I am going to share my room after marriage with someone--- that too for the first time. I never shared my room with someone. I will have someone to cuddle with, I will share my cupboard, I will have someone who will talk continuously and I will listen, I will have someone who will rant about her books and I will listen to her. I will bring small gifts for her and many more things that would change after I get married.

I smiled at my thoughts like a fool. I know she has high expectations and high expectations doesn't mean being rich or always traveling. It means to take care, spend time with each other, be with them in their happiness as well as sadness, giving gifts doesn't matter even if it is cheap or expensive and  book dates.


I am at my gym doing my morning workout.

"Rudra take your juice" mom said keeping juice on the table.
"Thanks mom"i said picking the glass.
"So when are you going for your date with Tusha?" Mom asked in a teasing tone and I chocked on my juice.

"Aree sambhal ke " mom said in a concerned yet teasing tone.
"How do you know ?" I asked.
"I didn't wanted to but I heard it when you were talking Tusha on phone yesterday." Mom said
"Please don't tell to Dhruv and yashvi they will tease me" I said.

"We already heard it bhai"
I looked towards where the voice came from and saw Dhruv and yashvi standing there at the gym door.

"What the hell are you two doing here ?" I asked
"Nothing we just came to ask when are you going for the shopping because we also wanted to go but now as it is not shopping it's a date we think we shouldn't interfere." Dhruv said
"Yes, he is right" yashvi said.

"Bhai I think you should take bhabhi somewhere---- " Dhruv was saying when I cut him off
"You don't need to tell me what to do I know where to take my to-be-wife" It slipped from mouth.

"Ohoooooo, TO-BE-WIFE" Mom, yashvi and Dhruv shouted at the same time.

"Arghhhh, you three please go form here" I said in a annoyed tone.
"Okay, okay we are going and don't forget to go to work." Mom said

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