chapter thirty

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We were taking with eachother about many things when he said.

"It's time for the surprise I planned for." He said.
"Surprise ?" I asked with a confused voice.

"Yes a big one." He said.
"What is it ? And for whom ?" I asked excitingly.

"Obviously for you." He said caressing my hairs.

"There is a small cottage there. Come with me." He said.
"Why in cottage ?" I asked.

"Offo meri sawalon ki dukaan." He hissed.
( tch my shop of questions )

I laughed and walked with him to the cottage.

"Go inside there is someone who will help you in one part of the surprise." He said.
"Okay ?" I said confused.

I was not getting any of it. What was he saying like what.

"You will also come ?" I asked as I saw him walking with me inside.
"I too have work inside." He said.

Now I was confused so much that even I would believe if someone said that sun will rise at night.

I walked inside and suddenly someone covered my hand from behind.

"Who are you ?" I asked confidently as I was sure Rudraksh Is there and he would not let me get hurt.

"Please do as we made you do mam. We are doing what we are said to." A voice from some speaker came. The voice was of an AI.

Suddenly there was a cloth tied around my eyes. I was not saying anything as it was all his plan.

"Mam please go inside this room and changed into this." The same AI voice said and pushing me into a room and I was handed something buffy on my both hand.

"Don't open that cloth from your eyes, please it's a genuine request." The voice told.

I went and closed the door behind me. I spread the cloth and it felt like it was a gown. It was made up of silk.

Nor it was my birthday not his birthday and not even any function then why this gown ?

I thought while removing the saree and the  blouse and slipped the gown on my body. I didn't open the cloth on my eyes as I didn't want his surprise to be ruined.

After wearing the gown I opened the door and walked outside with slow steps trying not to fall. But suddenly i tripped over something but a hand held me.

It was his hand. I know his touch.

"Careful." He said.
"I am waiting outside come quickly." He said.

I felt his footsteps fading. Someone held my hand and made me sit on a stool. It was a girl. She opened my hair which was tied and started brushing comb in it. I felt her tying my hair in a perfect bun and taking out two strings from the side. She removed my warning and made me wear another ones. I felt her placing a veil on my head it was covering till my chest.

"Please don't remove the vermilion." I immediately said when I felt the veil brushing on my hair partition.

"I know mam sir also told me not to." She said and I smiled.

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