chapter forty-two

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"Okay then I am leaving for office." I said.
"Bye." She said making me wear my coat.

"Byee." I said and pecked her lips.

She smiled and I came out of our house. I sat in the car and drove to office. As soon as I entered inside my cabin I saw Asmit sitting there with raavi.

My mouth hung open as I saw them together that too inside my cabin without any fear.

"Bro what the fuck are you doing here ?" I asked him.
"We are safe now." Asmit Said.

"Jii bhai." Raavi replied.
"How and how this all happened ?" I asked.

"Nothing just her parents tried to find her and when they found out that we are already married they said that they will get us do whatever they want they don't have any problem." He replied.

"Ohh then be happy why only smiling ?" I asked.
"They said they will not accept her as their daughter again." He replied.

"It's okay now go to our house and eat something. I am sure you must be hungry." I said.

"Yes very much." Raavi said.
Asmit and I chuckled and they both left from my cabin.

I was doing my work when my door suddenly opened. I looked towards the door and found my receptionist standing there wearing some weird dress.

"What are you doing ? You are not allowed to enter my cabin like this." I said to her almost shouting.

"Why you did this to me ? Why ?" She shouted.
She started coming near me. I got up from my chair and took back steps.

"Stay away from me, Ms. Sharma." I said to her this time shouting but not too loudly.

I am not a abusive man who will beat even a girl. I need to calm myself. Maybe she will listen to me if I say her in a calm way.

"Why why will I ? You did everything you wanted why can't i do ?" She shouted again.

She lifted her hand and was about to keep her hand on my chest when I went opposite of her trying to get away from her.

"What rubbish are you blabbering ?" I said.
She gsain came closer me and I kept taking back steps till I fell on the chair.

"Stop there I am warning you otherwise I will do something that i will regret." I said.
Still she kept her hands on my chest and leaned closer to me. She pulled her sleeves a down and I shut my eyes.

I couldn't control my self and pushed her harshly away from me.

"Just stay away from me." I shouted at the top of my lungs.

The door again opened revealing Tusha. She looked at with her eyebrows furrowed and mouth open.

"Listen it's not what you are thinking-" I tried to say but she cut me off.
"I know." She said.

Rashi again started shouting

"You are the one who ruined my chance. You took him away from me. I wanted for the right time to make him mine but you snatched him away from me. I tried to control myself but I am not able to. I also him him from my heart core. I waited for him for whole five years but you you ruined it all. You ruined my waiting my loving everything."

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