chapter thirty-four

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Here is a gift for you all to make my book reach in 5 in between top 10 in India.

Thank you so much yaar❤



As we reached home we straightly went to our room. We went to washroom one by one and came back and sat on the balcony.

We sat on the swing together and the swing was moving slowly. He pulled me closer to him by his waist.

"Which place you want to go for honeymoon ?" I asked him.
"You say." He said.

"No we will go to the place you will say and thats final." I said in a commanding voice.
"Meghalaya." He said.

"Okay then Meghalaya is final. We will go after the award session for businessman is over." I said.
"We have to wait till one week for that." He tried to say.

"Its okay we will go for honeymoon for two weeks." I said and he smiled happily.
We sat there for some more time then went to bed.

He spreaded his arms for me to come and I snuggled in his chest and he wrapped his arms around me and secured me.

I woke up and saw him still sleeping. I got off from the bed and went straight to washroom.

After I came back he had already woke up and was sitting on the bed.

"Good morning." I said.
He looked me with a smile and replied
"Good morning."

He got up and went to washroom. After I got ready he came from the washroom and said

"Bring juice to the gym." He said and went out of the room.

I went to the kitchen and started making breakfast. He went just now tot he gym so he wouldn't drink the juice this early.

After making breakfast for everyone I finally took his juice and went to the gym.

I didn't knock and went inside. He was punching the punching bag. He stopped after looking me and came near me.

He took the glass if juice and drank it.
"Choose my clothes and keep on the bed please." He said grinning.

"Sure." I said giggling and went to room.
I took out his clothes and kept it on the bed.

I was busy cleaning the room when he came inside. He went to washroom and again came out wralling the towel around his waist.

He pulled me near him. He slipped his hand on my waist and kissed my cheeks. I smiled a little and then we wore his clothes.

"Will you bring lunch for me today ?" He asked.
"I have too otherwise you are not going to eat it. Are you ?" Is asked.
He shook his head.

"First eat breakfast and then I will go to your office and take lunch with me." I said.

We went down and sat with everyone for breakfast.

"Dadu Meghalaya is final for our honeymoon." I said.
"Its a very nice place." He replied.

"When will you leave ?" He asked.
"After one week when his businessman award ceremony will be over." I said.

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