chapter thirty-nine

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It has been already three days since our proposal and it was our last day if honeymoon. That night after coming home we spent a lot of time together not physically but sitting in the balcony talking with eachother, giggling, laughing, smiling and blushing.

"So should we leave ?" He asked lifting the luggages.
"I don't want to go." I whined.

"I too but we have to go naa baby." He said.
"Yes yes your award ceremony is there." I said getting exited as I remembered it.

"If you want we will come again." He said.
"No we will go to some other place." I said.

"Okay now first let's leave other wise we will get late." He said.
"First another pic please." I said showing the phone.

In these one week I had taken so many pics that my phone would blast because of storage. But it is special i will keep it all in photo album after printing it.

He took the phone from my hand and pulled me closer by holding the side of my waist. He lifted the phone and took many selfies from different angles.

"Should we ?" He asked pointing at the door. I nodded my head and we walked out of the room.

We sat on the taxi and finally after driving for I don't know how many hours. We reached at guwahati and took the train. We stopped in many places bet for eating. The train made its sound and slowly started.

"It was so beautiful naa. Our honeymoon." I said.
"Yes very much." He replied.

My phone ringed and I looked st the caller I'd it was Trisha.

"Hello bitch. How was your honeymoon ?" She asked.
"It was very special." I said.

"I saw your photos on Instagram." She said.
"Really who uploaded it ?" I asked as I was really confused because it was not me.

"Jiju." She said.
"You cut the call I want to see those pictures." I said and hanged the call.

I opened my Instagram and checked his posts. There were so many posts if us and the captions were literally breath taking.

"You are comfortable with this or should I delete them ?" He asked worriedly.
"I am damn comfortable beacuse you are with me." I saud hugging him while smiling.

The caption in every post were like

With my ardhangini
Meri jaan
My whole world
My home
The precious part of my life
The bestest creature god made
Special days with my special person

"Why you didn't tell me you posted them ?" I asked.
"Another surprise." He shouted whisperingly.

"You came and made my life full of surprises." I said.
He grinned.

"The captions are just... I don't have words." I said.
"It all came from my heart just beacuse of you." He said.

Again the phone ringed and again it was Trisha.

"You are returning back today ?" She asked.
"Yes we are at the train." I replied.

"I will come to your house. Okay ?" She asked.
"Sure but tomorrow. I am tired today." I said.

"What you both did that you are so tired ? Hmm hmm tell me." She said teasingly.
I blushed hard and smiled.

"Nothing." I said and hanged the call.

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