chapter thirty-five

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She completed the work and made me stress free.

"All done." She said placing the copies in front of me.
"Thank you, biwi." I said holding her palms.

"No need for that." She said.
"Now it's very late I have to go home." She said.

"Sure. The new bed must have reached home." I said.
"Okay." She said.

As she turned around to walk towards the door I pulled her by her waist and made her sit on my lap.

I held the side of her neck and slammed my lips on her. She kissed me back with the same passion and it started turning rough. She bit on my lower lip and I gasped. She took the chance and pushed her tounge inside my mouth.

The tounge fight continued between us and finally after running out of breath we parted from each other.

She pecked my lips once again while blushing and got off my lap. She walked out of my cabin and I smiled foolishly.

"She's so cute." I said to myself and started blushing.

After completing my whole work I finally went to home. I was tired as hell today. I opened the door of our room. I saw her sleeping on the sofa while sitting. I guess she was waiting for me and she fell asleep.

"Wake up, wife." I said tapping her cheeks.
She opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Should I serve something for you to eat ?" She asked.
"Yes I am hungry." I said.

She went to the kitchen and came back with dinner in her hands.
"Sorry I got a little late today." I said eating a bite from the food.

"It's okay." She said yawning.
"I hope you already ate the dinner." I said.

"I tired to say maa that I will wait for you but she said no and forced me." She said while smiling.
"Okay." He said.

After completing my dinner we went to sleep.

I woke up when I tried to hug her but couldn't find her. I opened my eyes and saw the time it was still midnight but she was not here.

I heard water sound coming from washroom. She came out of the washroom.she had just taken a bath. That too her hair was wet.

"What happened ? Menstruation ?" I asked worriedly.
She nodded her head while keeping a hand on her stomach.

"Cramps ?" I asked and she again nodded.
"Come here." I said tapping the bed.

"Lay down." I said and she layed down on the bed.
I lifted her kurti till it reached under her breast and pulled her pajama a little down .

I poured a little oil on my hands and started massaging her lower abdomen. Later I made her lay on her stomach nad massaged her back.

After doing it for some more time I saw her already sleeping. I smiled and went to sleep.

I hugged her waist a little lightly and slept.

"Wake up naa." I heard her voice.
"Yes." I said in a sleepy voice.

She didn't say anything and just stared at me with her eyes a little down.

"What happened baby ?" I asked cupping her cheeks.
"The bedsheets got stained." She mutterd under her breath but I heard it.

I looked at my side and saw her blood stain. I smiled and asked

"So what ?"
"Sorry." She said slowly.

I got off from the bed and pulled her closer to me.

"Why are you being sorry ? It's normal right no need to be ashamed of it." I said kissing her forehead.

"Should I change it ?" She asked.
"If you are feeling uncomfortable than you can I don't have any problem." I said.
"Okay then let me remove it." She said pulling the bed sheet out of the mattress.

I went to the washroom and to the gym as per my daily routine.

She came inside the gym holding the juice but with a sad face.

"Why are you sad, my smiling machine ?" I asked.
She ignored me.

"Wifey." I called and she again ignored.

"Biwi kya hua ?" I asked again.
She again ignored.

I made her lay beneath me and started doing push ups above her. I took my lips near her and again came back. I did it for some more time and she got a little tired and held my collar making me stay there.

She smashed my lips onto hers and hungrily kissed me. When she pulled out I asked

"Mood swing right ?"
"Yes." She said.

"If you knew it was my mood swing why you did this ?" She asked.
"Because i didn'tike it when you ignored me." I said.

She smiled and I got off her.

"You want chocolates ?" I asked.
"Yesss." She almost shouted.

"I ordered it yesterday night after you slept go it's in the fridge." I said and she went walking fastly.

I chuckled a little and started doing my gym.

I went to the room and wore the clothes that she kept on the bed. I ate the breakfast and as I always do I kissed her forehead and went to office.

He whole day went in between my works. I told her not to bring lunch as she was getting her cramps but she sent it with Dhruv.

As I was leaving for home I decided to take some things for her. I know she will crave but she won't say till I ask her.

I went to many shops and bought Icecreams, chocolates, some pastries and a chocolate smoothie.

As I reached home she was sitting on the living room. Her full focus was on television.

I hid the food behind me back and went near him.

"I want to eat something sweet." She said with a pout.
I brought the food behind my back infront of her she she smiled happily.

She immediately snatched it from my hand and ran into the room.

"This girl." Mqa saud looking at her and shaking her head.

I chuckled and went to our room. She was sitting on the couch with a spoon full of Icecream in her mouth. I smiled fooshily looking at her.

I leaned on the door frame and folded my hands and kept looking at her till she finished whole one box of Icecream. She was going to pick another box when I stopped her.

"Not more you will catch cold." I said and kept all the food aside.
She pouted but then again smiled at me.

"Thank you for this. You really know hat I bed don't you ?" She asked.
"As you know what I want I know what you need." I said.

"I am feeling sleepy." She said.
"Then let's sleep." I said and took her with me to the bed.

I looked at her through the corner of my eyes and saw her looking at me.
I lifted my eyebrows and she lifted too.

"What ?" She asked.
"Nothing just I like staring at your beautiful  face." I said.

She blushed a little and then I again said
"See this cute blushing face is my favorite one." I said pulling her cheeks.

She giggled a little and then snuggled in my chest. I threw my hands over her waist and pulled her more closer to me.

"Why aren't you sleeping ? You were feeling sleepy right ?" I asked.
"Now not feeling." She mumbled on my chest.

"We will go to Meghalaya after your periods are over." I said.
"Why ?" She asked.

"Don't wanna ruin it." I said with a smirk.
She blushed a littke

"Wanna talk more about something else ?" I asked.
"Sure." She said.

We kept talking and talking all most till midnight.


Please keep voting. Guys this is the the last chapter till dec 7th. On dec 7th I may post 3 chapters. As you all were asking for the update heres one.

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