chapter thirty-three

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I woke up when I felt her moving a little away from me. I woke up and saw her sleeping peacefully. I remembered our last night and blushed. The way she was screaming my name and later on made me moan too was just uff.

My body was dying for her touch. The she madame release was like my body was already prepared for it.

I looked at her when she tried to open her eyes.
"Good morning, angel." I said kissing her forehead.
"Good morning." She replied with a smile.

"Are you okay ? It's not paining very much right ?" I asked immediately when she tried to move a little.
"Yes just a little bit." She said pulling the comforter on herself.

"Heyy I am naked too share the comforter." I saud pulling the comforter back.

She pulled again then I pulled back. She again pulled and then I again pulled back. I stood up and again pulled the comforter towards me. She too stood up.

We didn't even care that we were completely naked at that time. We already saw each other's every inch so no shyness I guess.

This time I held the comforter tightly and pulled her over me. I fell on the bed and  she too fell so hardly on me that a loud breaking sound came.

Then we realized that the bed broke and we were on the mattress that was touching the ground. We started laughing loudly.

"Now they are going to think something else and tease us." She said still laughing.
"They will say that we are millionaires but still such a weak bed we have." I replied tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

We got up and searched for our clothes. Her kurti was hanging on the door handle and the towel that I had wrapped around my waist was hanging on a photo frame.

We looked at eachother through the  corner of our eyes and blushed. Like we were so lost in eachother theater didn't even knew where we threw what.

"You were so tight around me yesterday night, wifey." I said.

She took out her clothes from cupboard and ran into washroom.

"I also want to come." I said going near the door.
"Some other day, my dear husband." She said while giggling.

I took out a cloth from the cupboard and wore it. I collected the price of her bangles that were on the mattress. I took out the bedsheets out of the mattress and kept it near the basket to be washed. I picked the mattress and place it and the side of the room leaning to the wall.

After some time she came out of the washroom.

"You cleaned all this ?" She asked and I just nodded.
"Thank you." She muttered.

"No need." I said and went to washroom.

After I came out of the washroom I didn't find her in the room. She must be in the kitchen. I went down and saw her in the kitchen.

I went near her and asked
"When will the breakfast be ready ?"
"You go and sit I am coming." She said serving.

"No need I will also help." I said and picked some of the dished and kept at the dining table.

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