chapter eighteen

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"So this was the time when we were dating newly. As we met on our college time we didn't get much time for dates and places also. So we decided to buy a place that will be only special to both of us. She loved doing arts so I made her a art museum. We went there whenever we felt like we needed each other. She was always there for me when I wanted her. It all just started with a crush and we ended up being each other's most special part of our life. We were in the same school but we didn't fell for each other at that time. I still remember the clothes she was wearing when I first saw her. It was a blue skinny Jean's and a white top and at the top of it she was wearing a long jacket that was reaching just above her ankle. I went to that place for the last time just at the day we broke up. I tried my best to move on and did on the day her son was born." I said.

"Can you say me your whole story ?" She asked.
"If you want to I can" I said.

"Yes I want to hear" She said.

"As I told you we met at the school but we fell for each other at college. When I saw her at school I got butterflies in my whole stomach. At that point of time my whole life had changed. I didn't knew what love was before she same into my life. She just taught me how to love. We cared for each other. Protected eachother. We were always there for each ohter. She loved art's so I used to take her on art museum often. She was a beautiful part of my life. The day we broke up I thought that I would never move on because I loved her the most. She was that part of my life that I would never regret. There were many fights between us but we understood each other. She trusted me more than anyone else. We started dating after having crush in eachother for atleast one month. Then slowly we started talking to each other. Became friends to bestfriend to lovers and then the beautiful chapter of us ended. She proposed me first. Then she asked why I didn't ever propose her i said her that I was afraid that she would reject me so I asked her why she proposed me then she said that she never wanted her first love to remain incompleteso she tried her level best even after fearing like hell. We went on our first date afterpassing out from our college and went into our college for the first date to relive our moments. And on that room near the library on our last date. On our last that We went to every place where we made our memories." I completed with a smile on my face remembering our moments.

I looked at her and saw her smiling.

"You sure you aren't hurt?" I asked her.
"No I am just imagining how life must be when your crush have a crush on you too." She replied still smiling.

"Why aren't you saying anything about your first love ?" I asked her so she replied

"I know how it feels to talk about our first love and I don't want to ruin the moment you speak about your first love. It's your moment and I don't want to interfere."

"Its not like that I have completed now you can say. Tell me yours. I want to hear how you loved him for years even after he didn't love you back." I said.

I sat on the swing and made her head rest on my shoulders.

"I saw him for the first time when our exams were going on. I was in seventh standard and he was in tenth. The moment I saw him my world stopped he was looking handsome even in school uniform. He was busy writing his papers and I was busy staring at him. I first told Trihs about him just after the exam was over than to Ahana di. I also never knew that I would be so  crazy about him that I would have a crush on him for years. He used to stand at a place input school recesses and I used to stare at him from the first floor. I didn't eat my tiffin beacuse I wanted to stare at him. I ran behind him every where he went. I even bet my friends with excitement when I used to see him after many days. He was not regular he came once in four days. I got to talk to him just beacuse jiju helped me." She said.

"Really how did he ?" I asked as I was amazed.

"One day some ninth standard boys were fighting with him so after I went home I told jijaji. That time di and jiju were just dating. I said him that some boys are troubling Vihaan tell them not to. So juju was talking to vihaan when he said that a girl is there who have a crush on him. He sounded happy that time. He wasn't having a girlfriend at that time. I talked to him almost every week but eventually it stopped. When I got to know he has a girlfriend I was angry and sad at first then I understood that it's his life he can do whatever he wants. I used to run behind his college's bus after he went from the school. I even went near his house thousand times just to get a glimpse of him. I fought with everyone who said something and about him. I blushed when my enemies teased me with his name. They used to call me 'sethy' 'Tusha sethy' and I used to blush like a crazy mad girl. When someone used to say anything or use bad words for him I used to beat them and slap them hardly.I even bumped into vehicles while running behind his bus. I rode my cycle at the fastest speed I can so that I can see him. Beacuse i was not able to see him for months after he went from our school." She said a sweet smile on her lips.

"Yiu know what ? We all should remember our first love with a smile not sad or by crying. Everyone's best chapter in their life is their first love. It is a new chapter for everyone. First love is a person who gives us the experience on what love is how it feels when we are in love. They made us feel what it is to love,stalk, care." She said.

"Yes you are right." I replied.
"You aren't getting hurt right? I mean beacuse I am talking about some other man infront of you." She said.

"He is not other man, he is the most beautiful and memorable part of your life. If it would be any other men than I would have been sad." I said.

I made her look at me, held her cheeks with both my palms and said

"First love is always alive in our hearts. It's just that only two or three percent people get their first love for life time and sadly we both are not in that teo or three percent." I said.

"Everything happens for something good. If I would have got Vihaan then how would I get the bestest husband ever. I would have lost a diamond,which is you." She said touching my Palms.

I tucked a part of her hair behind her ears and gave her a kiss on forehead.

"Me too. I would have also lost the shineist diamond in the world. God always proves that everything happens for a reason." I said and she smiled.

"It is feeling great right after reliving those moments ?" She asked.
"Yes very much." I said.

"I am so lucky that I got so understanding wife." I said to her.
"I also got the most understanding husband. Otherwise is some other man would be in your place than he would have been shouting now."She said and we laughed.

"Feeling sleepy?" I asked when I saw her yawning.
"Yes" She said.


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