chapter twenty-five

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"W-who ?" I asked.
No voice came but a letter was slipped inside.
"Who are you ?" I again asked.

At this moment I just wanted Rudraksh with me. He must have protected me. I shouldn't have come here today. What if someone kidnapped me. I am missing him so much. I want him with me right now. I missed him when I came till now. I want to go near him.

Tears started breaming up in my eyes out of fear.

"Who ?" I again asked.

But no one replied. I went and picked the letter. It was a vintage colour letter. I opened it and it was written like this.

Dear biwi,
I am your sweet husband. I tried to sleep without you but miserable failed. I kept controlling myself from morning after leaving you here but now I want to sleep while cuddling you. I missed you so much that if I wouldn't have come here I would have died for sure. If you are thinking that I am being clingy that too this early in an arranged marriage than you are right I love being clingy to you. I want to cuddle you and you stick to me like a koala sticking to tree trunk. I want to kiss your forehead and caress your hair. I am not able to sleep without doing all this. I haven't even eaten anything since evening So please open the window and let me in.

Your pyaara patidev

I sighed in relief when I realised it was Rudraksh.

"Suniye aap hai kya ?" I asked.
( listen is it you ?"
"Jii aapka pyaara pati hoon kholiye naa." He said.
( yes your lovely husband)

I ran and opened the window. He was there standing on the ladder.

"What are you doing here ?" I asked completely shocked.
"You read the letter right ?" He asked.

"Aa yes yes come inside " I said.

He jumped inside with a thud sound made by his legs.

"Should I bring something to eat for you ?" I asked.

"Yes please." He said grinning.

I was going down when he pulled me by my wrist.

"Everyone are sleeping right ?" He asked.
"Yes." I replied.

"You ate the dinner ?" He asked.
"No actually I didn't realise when I fell asleep while reading book. " I said embarrassingly.

"Come we will eat together." He said and we walked towards the kitchen.

"I missed you." I said to him and hugged him tightly when we reached inside the kitchen.

"Miss you too, my addiction." He said and I chuckled.

I went and searched for something left out inside fridge. But unfortunately I just found a box of Icecream.

I pouted and said
"Only Icecream is there. It's my fault only whenI used to live here beforeour marriage I told mom not to keep left out on the fridge it gets waste."

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