chapter twenty

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She entered inside and I lost it all. I swear i am not able to control myself whenever she is wearing red. She doesn't even know herself how much she wears red dresses

She was looking fuckin beautiful. Her eyes were glowing like stars. Face like moon. Lips like some pink pudding. And cheeks were puffy.

"Your phone." She said and I came out of my thoughts.
"Huh ?' I asked as I didn't hear clearly what she said.

"Your phone fell." She repeated.
I picked the phone and said

"He also fell for you like I fell."

She blushed again. I went near her and closed the door.

She saw outside the glass and said
"The view is nice."
"Yeah it's the best view on the universe." I said looking at her.

"I am taking about the view from this glass." She said smiling.

"I don't know about the glass but I would like the view of you when I will be fucking you right here and  you will be moaning my name." I said and her face immediately turned red.

I started waking near her  till I pinned her to the glass. I caged her in between my one arm and pulled her by her waist with another.

I held her back of the neck with my one hand and pulled her face closer to mine. Our hot breaths were touching each other's faces making the moment more hot.

I rubbed my cheeks against hers and felt her shivering. I kissed her ears and muttered

"My angel, I am warning you please don't wear red infront of me I am not able to control myself when I see you in red. It makes you look like the only beautiful woman to exist on universe." I said to her.

I am literally head over heels for my woman. She us driving me crazy.

I buried my face in her neck. I wanted to suck her neck, bite it, leave hickeys all over her neck but then I remembered I should ask for her consent.

Just as I was going to ask her there was a knock on door. I ignored it but someone again knocked.

"Go and open the door." She said to me.

"No buts go." She said and went to open the door.

There Asmit and Dhruv were standing with showing there all teeth.

"Did we ruin  something?" They asked in chorus.
"Yes" I said in a irritated tone.

"No no we were just talking" Tusha immediately replied and i laughed.

"By the way why you both are here ?" I asked.
"Nothing just came for time pass." They said in chorus again.

"First stop talking in chorus you both and then get out from here don't irritate me." I said and pushed them towards the door.

They ran and settled on the couch.
"What you both want ?" I asked.
"Yeah we want to irritate you." They again said in union. I picked the paper weight and threw towards them.

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