chapter twenty-one

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I don't want to make you all feel bad but there are many views but a very less number of votes. We writers write our chapters with so much love but you all read it and dont even vote. If you like the chapters than please don't hesitate to vote. It takes us so much time to think and write a chapter but you it takes just 2 seconds to vote. Hope you can understand what I am saying.

And also as I asked the question that should I make them kiss or not I got more votes to make them kiss in the chapter.

I am extreme sorry to those who have said not to make them kiss this early.



"Can I?" He asked me leaning closer to my lips.

"What will you do if I say no ?" I asked him just to tease.
"Then I will stop right here." He said trying to get off me.

"Dumbo." I said and pulled him by his collar and our lips touched each others.

I got a warm and comfort feeling in my heart. He was kissing me so passionately that I couldn't even describe it. Our lips were moving with a sync. It wasn't a hungry kiss it was a gentle kiss to tell eachother that we will always care for eachother, we will protect eachother, we will help each other and never break the trust and hurt eachother.

We kept kissing eachother smoothly and softly till we both ran out of breath.

He parted his lips from me and looked into my eyes with love. I can feel the love in his eyes. It was screaming that he will care for me and never hurt me till his last breath.

I looked at him and again pecked his lips. He smiled at me.

"Thank you." He whispered.
"Why ?" I asked.

"Beacuse you let me kiss you." He said.

I leaned towards him and sat on his stomach. And again kissed him with the same passionate. It was same soft and gentle kiss. He ran his rough hands on my bare back and it felt soft like hell. I got shivers all around my body when he touched different spots on my back.

I parted my lips from him and said

"Hisaab barabar, Mr. Oberoi."
He laughed and sat on the couch.

"It was my first kiss." I said to him with a tint of blush on my cheeks.
"Mine too" He said.

I got shocked as hell and said
"But you had Aarushi. You never kissed her ? "

"No,it doesn't mean that everyone gets physical when they are in relationship. We just decided to wait till her parents consent and not to break their trust but they didn't agree then also. So after that I decidedvto save my first kiss for my wife." He said.

He is such a gentleman. I got the man I waited for all these years. He respects women so much. It's not just me he respects every women in his life. I am so lucky to get a husband like him. He saved his first kiss for his his wife. FOR ME.

I got pulled out of my thoughts when I heard his voice.

"You were behaving like a hungry lioness when you were sucking my neck." He said buttoning his shirt which I opened.

I looked down and blushed hard at his words. I myself didn't knew what happened to me back then. I just lost my control when he kissed my neck.

"You were no less, you were also behaving like a hungry lion who haven't found a prey from so many days." I said still looking down.

"Its true I am a predator and you are my prey so it was obvious. I hadn't have my prey in my twenty-eight years of life." He said looking at me.

"Turn around." He said.
"W-why ?" I asked.

"Don't you want me to tie your hooks ? If you want to roam like this then you can roam only infront of me. Don't you dare let any other person look at you like this." He said. And I can with possessiveness filled in his voice.

I smiled and turned my back towards him. He attached the hooks and kissed me below my ears. I again shivered by his touch.

"I think I should go. Please eat the lunch." I said fixing my saree properly.

As I stood up to go ge pulled me by my wrist and made me sit on his lap.

"We will eat together." He said in a demanding tone.
"Okay let me bring the lunch box." I said and brought the lunch box and was going to sat beside him then he again pulled me on his lap.

"Ahahannn" I whined and he showed his teeth like a child.

I opened the box and forwr a bite towards his mouth. He held my hand and fed me first.

"You will always first." He said and I fed him the next bite.

As he fed me the last bite I held his wrist and licked alm his fingers that had curry slicked to it.

I looked at him only to see his face full of blush and him looking down.

I laughed at his reaction.

"By any chance did you take seduction classes any where?" He asked with a shy smile.
"I don't need to take classes for that. I learned it all from my books." I said with a proud 'book girlie' smile.

"And I wasn't trying to seduce you." I said.
"But I got turned on when you did that." He said.

"Should I go now ?" I asked him.
"Can't you stay here ?" He asked.

"I have work at home." I tried to say but he pouted like a kid.

I bent down and kissed his cheeks with a pop sound and he got happy.

"You are behaving like a kid." I said chuckling a little.
"You are making me behave like that." He said and I again laughed. And he also laughed with me.

"Can I ask you something ?" I asked him.
"Yes." He said.

"W-why can't you control yourself when I wear red ?" I asked stuttering a little.

He held my hand caressing it and replied

"Because it makes you look like a godesses. Someone who just came from heaven. When ever you wear red I lose it all. I fuck up very badly. I can't even describe what it feels when I see you in red. There is a weird sensation in my whole body especially in my heart. I just feel like fucking you so badly at that time. It just feel like your red saree is just a cherry on top of cake. You look like the sweetest and plumpiest strawberry, MY strawberry. "

I smiled and blushed very hard on the thing that he said he wanted to fuck me so badly.

"I want to ask another thing." I said.
"Ask. I am always there to answer all your questions." He said with a smile.

"When I licked the corner of your lips you said that you would not leave my lips till you kiss them,suck them or have enough of them. Then why you kissed me so gently today ?" I asked.

"I knew it was your first kiss and I wanted you to have your first kiss very soft and gentle. Next time the kiss is going to be exact opposite of this, sweetheart. So, be careful." He replied with smirk on his lips.

"You want to ask something else then you can ask." He said.

"No but Now can I go ?" I asked him.
"But-" He tried to say but I interrupted him.

"No buts see even though I was shy to give a kiss on you cheeks after this small hot session I still kissed you cheeks what too with a POP sound." I said giving pressure on the word pop with a laugh.

We laughed so hard then I asked.
"Can I go now patidev ? I will wait for you." I said and he nodded lightly.

I went out and drove to home with Dhruv.


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