chapter sixteen

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"Love,wakeup" I said to her
"Unhhhhh" She whined

"We have to go down maa is calling"
She opened my eyes and tried to look. I  bent and kissed her forehead.

"Let's go" I said and pulled her to sit.
She sat and again fell down on my lap. I started  caressing her hairs.

"What is the time ?" She asked.
"It's 12:30"I said.

"I should go I have to make lunch." She said and got down from the bed.
"I will also make with you." I said and got down from bed.

"You know how to cook ?" She asked me.
"Yes" I said as we went downstairs.

"It's okay I can make it mysel-"She tried to say but I cut her off
"No need I want to cook with you and I will." I said.

We reached the kitchen. There Dhruv and Yashvi were standing.

"Aur naye naye pati kitchen mein kaise ?" Dhruv asked.
"Going to Help my dear wife in making lunch." I said.

"Aap toh joru ka gulam nikle" Dhruv said while laughing then I said

"If helping and taking care of your wife means being joru ka gulam then I am ready to become the biggest one."

"Baapre bhai toh kuch jaada hin pati bangaye" Yashvi said.
"I am not being over it should be the right behavior a husband should show to his wife." I said.

"I am going I can tolerate my brother not this newly wedded husband." Yashvi said and ran with Dhruv from there.

I looked at Tusha and we both burst into laughter.

"What is your favorite food ?" She asked me.
"Mine is pizza" I said.

"Okay. So now let's start making the lunch." She said and started taking out the ingredients.

After a long time we finished making the lunch. I looked at her and saw a pinch of turmeric near her upper lips.

I went near her and leaned near her face and wiped the turmeric with my thumb.

"Ewwww, my eyesss" Dhruv shouted and ran.
"This boy" I said and immediately pulled back and ran behind him.

I was running behind him till Tusha came with the lunch. Dhruv ran and hid behind her.

"Why the hell are you hiding behind your bhabi come out." I said.

"Bhabhi tell him naa I saw that by mistake." Dhruv said with a pout.

"What did you see ? And why are you two fighting ?" Dadu ask.

"Dadu, they were doing romance in the kitchen. You tell me is that a place for Roma-" He was saying when Tusha fake coughed.

Everyone looked at us and laughed.

"No worries beta it happens you are newly wedded couples and they start wherever they get a chance." Chachu said.

"Yes, you know once your dadi and me were also doing romance in the kitchen and her face was fully red with shyness. I was teasing her continuously till my mother entered and saw us after that she kept teasing me." Dadu said while looking at dadi.

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