chapter forty-three

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Guys I would like to announce something.

I don't know it will make you feel sad or not but this book is going to end after a few chapters. Few means not much few. I am very sad that my first ever book is coming to end.

You know that lyrics ?
'Ohh I love it and I hate it at the same time.'
From the song 'daylight'
I am currently in that situation.

Still someday i have to end this book and the day is coming nearer and nearer. That is why i am not posting regularly i want some more days to resist it. So I am writing slowly.



"I trust you." She said and I kissed the crown of her head.
"And why do you trust me this much ?" I asked.

I don't know why but I just asked.
"Beacuse a husband like you, who cares for me,respects me, loves me this much, does things which I love, who even saved his first kiss for his wife would never cheat." She replied.

I pulled myself back from her and kissed her lips.

"Thank you." I murmured between the kiss.

"Now enough of these all stress. Now its date time. Come on we are going on a date now."She said.

"It means you were serious when you said that one week one date. Weren't you ?" I asked.
"Obviously I was serious about that." She said.

"Come." She said and pulled me towards door.

I smiled like a foolish teenage boy who just got a kiss from his crush and went with her.

We sat on the car and I started driving.
"Where are we going ?" I asked.
"Surprise, pati dev." She said.

"Fine, meri patni ji." I said and continued driving.

"Stop." She said after reaching a weird and a place which I never ever saw in my life.

She opened the door and ran out of the car and came my side and opened the door.

"Thank you, Mrs. Oberoi." I said bowing.
"My pleasure." She said.

"Yes right I am your pleasure. Only i have the right to give you pleasure." I said and she turned red.

"Let's go naa." She muttered still blushing.
"Jii." I said.

We walked inside and inside and stopped when we reached a beach type of place.

"What is this place and how come there is no one here ?" I asked.
"This is very underatted place. Not many people know about it." She said.

As we walked more further a round table and two chairs were there. Above it a white beautiful cloth was draped around giving it a full beautiful look. Small swans were hanging from the cloth above.

"Sit." She said pulling the chair.
"Its my work, biwi." I tried to say.

"If I am the one arranging the date then it should be my work." She said.

I sat on the chair and then she asked me
"So what do you want to eat ?"
"You." I said immediately.

"Fitst food and then at dinner I am fully available only for you." She said.
"As you say." I said to her.

"Sometimes you blush and sometimes you flirt more harder than me." I said to her.
"It is a because of you." She said.

"Okay here comes the food."The waiter said holding something in his hand.

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