chapter twenty-eight

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As I entered inside I saw her sitting on the bed with the remote in her hand and her gazing at the television with her mouth open.

"Close your mouth other my tounge will be inside it just in a second." I said.
"Tounge ? Not that ?" She asked pointing at me down there.

"Being bold hn ." I said.
"Help me find a movie." She said.

"You wish I watch." I said.
"Should we watch this ?" She asked pointing at some movie.

"I don't know what it is but let's watch." I said and sat on the bed.

She sat and I slept and kept my head on her lap. I tuned around and snuggled my face on her stomach. She giggled little and played with my hair.

"You want to watch movie or not ?" She asked calmly.
"I want you watch you." I mumbled agaisnt her stomach.

She laughed a little and said
"Watch naa." She said.

I turned my face to look at the television. The movie started and we were watching it peacefully till she said

"He is so hot. Just see his body. He has abs that are-" She was saying with her mouth open gazing at the television.

With in a second I got up and turned her against me. I climbed on her and asked

"What did you say ?"
"H-he was looking h-hot" She said slowly.

" seriously ? Not infront of me don't say it." I said and smashed my lips on her. I kissed her a little too hard this time because I was not able to resist what she said. Like how can she say it that to infront of me. Her husband.

I continued kissing her till I was out of breath. We both panted hard to reach for some breath. She was breathless when I left her mouth but again I smashed my lips onto hers.

"I am not getting enough of you." I muttered against her mouth.

I sucked her both lips inside my mouth.
"Anhh" she moaned once again inside my mouth and I again took her lips inside me sucking it properly.

I bit her lower lip but this time she didn't react. I guess she was enjoying it. I continued sucking her lips.

Ater making both of us completely breathless I left her lips and panted hard for oxygen.

"The best punishment." She breathed.
"Don't you dare compliment other men infront of me." Is said.

"You will do this only for punishment? " she asked.
"If you want then you can ask for it I would not deny." I said.

"Sure, please kiss me." She said.
"As you say, butterfly." I said and again smashed my lips into her making her hiss.

I suched her jawline and reached till her ear lob and bit it.

"I- ahh" she moaned.
"Are you enjoying it ?" I whispered in her ears and she nodded.

"Words." I ordered.
"Y-yes." She said.

After some time our little make out session was over and Looked at her being all messed up by just a kiss. I am just imagining how she will look while she will be under me and I will fuck her.

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