chapter twenty-six

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We kept waking on the vacant road with our hands intertwined and body sticking to each other like we didn't want to leave eachother for a second.

After walking for some more time we found a bench attached on the footpath.

"Should we sit there ?" I asked pointing towards the bench.
"Sure." She said.

We went and sat on the bench. A little far away from there infront of us there was a pond. There were a bunch of ducks. I guess one of it that was the biggest one was mother of all and there was other three kids that were sailing behind their mother.

"See that will be you and our children." I said to her looking at the pond.
"And that is you." She said showing me another that was coming near them holding something in his mouth. I guess it was for the children.

I smiled. She kept her head on my shoulders and I kept my head in her head.

"The moon is beautiful isn't it ?" She asked.
"Yes." I said looking at her through the corner of my eyes.

We sat there for some time then she said
"I am hungry."

"But this time I think I need food. Which one everyone eats not just my food." She said and we laughed hard.

"Let's search ofr some food." I said. We walked around and saw a tree that had apples hanging.

"It is feeling like we are lost,isn't it ?" I asked.
"Yes in our own world." She said and I again smiled.

I plucked out some apples and searched for a hand pump. I washed the apple and we started eating them.

"It is really feeling like we are in a village like people in the old days used to do." I said.
"Our love is also like old days. Sweet cute and gentle." She said.

I softly held her hand and pushed it behind her waist. Taking care of it that it must not hurt her.

"Flirting too much, wifey." I said leaning closer to her.
"You are passing your habits to me, husband." She said leaning back to my face.

Our foreheads touched each others as I left her wrist. She kept her hands on my chest and held her waist. I pulled her waist and our nose brushed with each other. She giggled little when I caressed her waist.

"How come everything about you is so fucking attractive." I said kissing the tip of her nose.

She didn't say anything but smiled. I lifted my hand and pinched the tip of her nose and she giggled.

"Should we go to your home back ?" I asked.
"No, I want to spend time with you." she said.

"A little far away from here there is a beach can we please go there ?" She asked.
"Okay. How much far ?" I asked.

"Just two three kilometers." She said grinning.
"It's okay let's go." I said.

After we reached near the beach. We sat down on the sand.

"You are not afraid being out at past midnight ?" I asked.
"I am with you then why would I fear ?" She said laying down on my lap.

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