chapter thirty-eight

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Guys I really want your reviews on this chapter. I mean is wrote a very long chapter because you all waited for these many days so patiently. I hope you love it


We finally completed eating our dinner and it was time to sleep but both out eyes didn't have a hint of sleepiness.

"What should we do now ?" She asked keeping a hand on cheek.
"Let's sit outside for some time." I suggested.

We sat on the balcony of the hotel gazing at the stars.

"The stars are so small yet so shiny. Without them the sky feels empty." She said.
I just hummed in response.

"You like kids ?" She asked suddenly out of nowhere.
"Yes but why are you asking auddenldy ?" I asked.

"Like that only. Boy or girl ?" She asked.
"I want a mini version of you." I said pulling her waist.

"I guess you are planning to do it now. Aren't you ?" I asked tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
"I n-no I was just asking." She said looking down timidly.

I pecked her cheeks and she blushed hard.

"I am so happy that the reason of you blush is always me." I said grinning happily.

She smiled a little.

"Wait two minutes I am coming." I said.
"Where are you going ?" She questioned.

"Just two minutes." I said and ran from there.

I went straight near the hotel manager and asked him

"Sir may I please get a guitar just for tonight ?"
"Sir now ?" He asked with gusto eyebrows furrowed.

"Yes I want to surprise my wife. And also I want some roses" I said.

"Sure sir. After all you are so romantic she will get happy today." He said.

He went and another man came with a guitar and roses in his hands. I took the guitar and roses from his hand and went towards our room.

"Biwi Suniye." I called from outside.
"Jii." She replied opening the door.

"Can you please close your eyes for one minute ?" I asked.
"Okay." She said closing her eyes.

I entered inside the room and switched off all the lights. I lighten up candles there and it formed a dim light appearance in the room. I looked at her still closing her eyes. She is so trust worthy.

I plucked the rose petals out of the flower and scattered it over the bed. I kept one rose as it is at the bed.

"Now you can open you eyes." I said.
She smiled looking around the room.

"Sit here." I said patting at the bed.
"You make me feel so special." She said.

"You are special I am not making you feel. You are the special part of my life whom I never want to lose. Never ever." I said pecking her forhead.

I picked the guitar and pulled the chair and sat infront of her.

"Should I start ?" I asked and she nodded her head happily.

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