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As I come up to turn thirteen, the last turn of the circuit, Jack is starting to get a bit too close to my back right wheel. He makes contact, forcing me to spin out of control and go hurtling towards the tyre barriers around the track.

The front of my go kart is all damaged. Dad is going to kill me. I was in pole position as well. I know Jack didn't mean to make contact, but I'm still upset with him.

I punch the steering wheel, before pulling myself up, and out of the go kart, and jumping out onto the gravel.

"Fuck!" I shout, kicking one of the tyres, before jumping over the barrier and out of harms way. I look over to the sidelines where dad was watching from, and see him still sat down in his seat, staring into space. He looks angry, I've never seen him this angry before.

I take my helmet off and slowly walk over to the stands, before walking up the stairs to where my dad is.

"Dad, I-" I begin before he cuts me off.

"No, just shut up. I'm not talking to you right now." Dad states, before standing up off the seat and walking straight past me, down the stairs.

Every other parent is now making their way to their kids, while I follow my dad out to the car park.

"What about my go kart?" I ask him. I can't leave it on the track, we take them home.

"You're going to have to figure that one out yourself. I'm not helping you." Dad states, not making eye contact, still walking over to the van.

"Can I at least get changed?" I ask him quietly, as we approach the van. He doesn't say anything and grabs my bag from the passenger seat and hands to me. He gets in the van, as I walk into the building to get changed back into my clothes.

I throw my bag down on the floor, and walk over to Jack who is stood with his parents. I've always been a bit jealous of Jack. He's got a big house and a stable family, and both his parents love him unconditionally. I wish I had that.

"Em, are you ok?" Jack asks, as I walk over to him. "I'm really sorry about nudging you, I didn't mean to send you into the barriers." He apologises.

"It's fine. You won though, right? Congrats!" I say, before hugging him.

"Where's your dad?" He asks, looking around.

"He's just sat in the van, he's pretty angry." I reply quietly. "Please can you help me get my go kart out the gravel?" I ask him. I can't do it by myself, it's so heavy.

"Me and Jack can do it for you if you'd like." Jack's dad says, smiling at me. I smile back at him before thanking him. They walk out to the track, and a few minutes later, Jack comes back in driving my go kart.

"That's one fast go kart. It's a bit banged up on the front, but it's still drivable." He says, stopping in front of me.

"Thank you for getting it for me. You really didn't have to do that." I say, crouching down and looking at the damage.

"It's no problem." Jack's dad says, smiling.

"I'm going to get changed. I'll see you at school tomorrow." I say, before walking off towards the changing rooms after grabbing my bag off the floor.

Once I'm ready, I walk back out of the changing rooms, with everything in my duffel bag, which is slung over my shoulder.

Literally no one is here anymore, apart from the owners of the building and the track. They're lovely people.

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