Chapter 9.

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Next day.
Liuer was going to check on Wukong. It's possible that yesterday was too cold and he may have caught a cold. Liuer was just walking through the throne room when the queen (his mother) stood in his way. She had a displeased expression on her face and crossed her arms.
"Hello mom. I'm in a hurry right now..." Liuer said and tried to get around her without success.
"We have to talk," she said seriously.
Liuer sighed. He was already bracing himself for his mother's boring nagging about something he didn't know. What could his mother be angry about. The last time she talked about marriage. Had she found him a partner again? Now (as always) he will decline the offer. Because he already found it.
"Okay. I'm listening. What is it now?" Liuer said.
"How did I raise you?" She sighed. I'm sorry what? thought the prince.
"Why? Tell me why. As a mother, I have priority to know everything."
What's her point? Liuer thought.
"Why didn't you tell me you found yourself a girlfriend?!"
Oh.. that's it, thought Liuer and smiled slightly.
"Really? I understand you didn't tell your father, but me?! Do you know who told me that?"
"Who?" And he crossed his arms.
"I heard it from the SERVANTS! They say the whole town is buzzing about it. And you didn't tell me?!"
Liuer sighed.
Suddenly, a king appeared from the shadows. Great.
"What are you guys up to?" said the king.
"Our son finally has a mate," said the Queen.
"And that's why there's all this commotion in town," he chuckled. Of course, the king was well aware of this. What did his son do. And he thought it a bit romantic. So the whole city buzzed with gossip. The king's head ached.
"Exactly. And we find out about it from the servants. That's not how I raised you."
"You learned from the servants. I knew," said the king proudly.
"What?!" They said at once.
"Then why didn't you tell me?!" said the queen. Liuer looked at his father with a raised eyebrow.
"How did you know?" Liuer said.
"First of all, I didn't tell you my dear wife because you'd make a fuss. I know you'd be glad of it (I'm glad of it too) but it was Liuer's business."
"Was?" Liuer said.
"Yes. Because now it's a royal thing. Two, I'm a king and I have eyes. Son, I saw the way you look at her/him. Just put two and two together."
Luer rolled his eyes.
"Is she he?" said the queen.
"Yes and no," said Liuer. "It's complicated," the queen was confused.
"It's best if you tell me about her. Or you'd better introduce her to us," demanded the queen.
"To you. I know her," said the king.
"What?!" said the queen.
"You know her too. Well, maybe not, but you've seen her before," said the king.
"Son, I have to do everything for you?"
Liuer sighed. "Okay. We'll do a formal introduction. Is that okay? Yes. Father, could you tell mother a bit about her. Because I'm planning an introduction right now," said the prince. The king smiled. The queen glared at them. Which made them giggle nervously.
"I wish you'd tell me"
"Oh.. don't sulk," the king said, and moved close enough to give her a kiss on the cheek. The queen sighed. And pushed the king away from her.
"I hope you'll tell me about it anyway"
Liuer left.
In the meantime, in Wukong's room.
Wukong woke up. This time he was somewhere between a nightmare and reality. The dream felt very real. So was it really a dream? It's amazing that he remembers what he dreamed about. Was he on a battlefield? It was very bright and there were clouds? He was walking on the clouds. Yes, it was definitely a dream, Wukong thought. But he wanted to analyze it anyway. He had a red-gold stick in his hand. There were a lot of people lying around him. Were they corpses? His hands were spattered with blood. His stick was also covered in blood. he was panting. A huge man with a black beard was standing in front of him, holding a sword. He went on the attack. They seemed to fight for a long time. He was furious. But his opponent did not give up. Eventually, his opponent stabbed him in the stomach with his sword and sent a wave of energy leaves over him. And just like that, Wukong woke up. Breathing heavily. He swallowed. Was it really like that? Who was this guest? Why was he fighting him? Wukong felt confused. He told himself it was just a dream. Yes, a dream in which he fought for life and death. It's probably not normal at all. Maybe it's a sign that he will die in the future? It's not just nonsense. Or maybe? Or it was a sign that his world was messed up and he would love to get out of it. Yes, this is definitely the best idea. But where could he go? This is his "home" for now. Wukong got up and walked over to the curtained windows. He pushed aside the curtains. Yeah, definitely the dark doesn't suit him. He saw nothing. Was it day or still night? Wukong didn't know. He still couldn't (unlike Liuer) tell what was when. He decided to close the curtains again. Yes, knowing that someone in this darkness is watching you is terrifying. Wukong now looked at his clothes. Did he really go to sleep in that black and gold hanfu from yesterday? I guess he was too tired to change clothes. Wait.. what exactly happened yesterday. He needs to get changed before he thinks it over. He has no intention of staying in this hanfu one minute longer. He went to the wardrobe. And now another question arises. How did he have so many clothes? Okay, he chose the first shirt and pants he came across. changed. And now he started walking around the room. Wondering what happened yesterday. He remembers, of course, but he wanted to sort it out so he didn't get into some shit.
"Okay. Yesterday I was walking around town with Liuer. We went to the theater. It was boring. After that we went to a restaurant and it was bad. After that he took me somewhere... There were lanterns and it was fun and then... Oh.. oh no .. kissed Liuer." Wukong sat down in a chair. "I had no choice... I couldn't break his heart" he placed his hands over his face. he groaned. "I.. I was just.. he was nice to me and cared for me... But I.. not" (as he says in his mind) he moaned again in frustration. He looked up when he heard a knock on the door.
The prince entered. Great. Wukong felt ashamed. Liuer walked over to him.
"Are you okay?" he asked gently.
"Yes?" Obese if you can tell, thought Wukong.
"It was cold last night. Glad you didn't get sick. I forgot how cold it can be in our land."
In our? Okay maybe it won't be bad.. yeah.. it was a friendly kiss. Nothing more. Wukong thought. "Okay. So we're going to training?" Wukong asked.
"Just as it is... Would you like to.. accompany me to meet my parents?"
"Sorry what?!"
"A party like this. The king, queen, me and you will be there.. of course, if you agree. No one else will be there. Besides, you would save my life with this," said Liuer. Wukong looked at him. As usual, he couldn't say no. Wukong sighed and smiled.
"Okay. I'll save you moonshine"
Liuer smiled slyly. "Thank you. Sunshine," he said in a charming tone.
Liuer walked over to the wardrobe. He looked at Wukong's clothes. Wukong looked at him questioningly.
"What are you doing?"
"And how does it look to you? I can't let you go in any clothes. After all, you know the king and queen."
Wukong groaned. Well, Liuer's right, Wukong thought.
Liuer pulled a hanfu (female) in black from the wardrobe, but it had flower patterns (purple). Liuer gave it to Wukong. Wukong rolled his eyes. He went to change. When he returned, Liuer looked at him with admiration. Wukong blushed.
"You look gorgeous," said Liuer. Wukong blushed even more. Liuer chuckled.
"shall we go?"
"Wait, sit down," said Liuer. Wukong looked at him questioningly again. Liuer held a hairbrush in his hand.
"Your hair is a mess," said Liuer. Wukong sat down in a chair.
"I'll be gentle," he whispered in Wukong's ear. Wukong shivered. Liuer began to gently comb Wkong's hair. It even felt nice. But it was definitely not normal. Wukong relaxed. Liuer finished. He put down the brush. Wukong got up. "Can we go now?" Wukong asked. Luer nodded. Liuer opened a shadow portal. Wukong looked at him. "Can't we go normally?"
"What? Now I have warned you that I will use the portal"
Before Wukong could say anything, the portal quickly approached them and they made it to the other side.
They must have been in the garden. It was dark. The only light was provided by colorful lanterns hanging from the garden shed. Thanks to these, the lantern knew where to go, but Liuer took him by the hand anyway so that he wouldn't fall over. Wukong felt ashamed.
They came to the garden shed. Inside was a round table with a black tablecloth. On the table were plates, cutlery, cups, various kinds of cakes, a teapot with hot tea. On one side sat the king and queen. Liuer and Wukong went inside.
"I officially introduce you to Wukong. Wukong met my parents. The King and Queen of the Macaques"
Wait... I've heard that somewhere before... Wukong thought. He felt stuffy. His head was spinning.
"Wukong? Are you okay?" Liuer asked. Wukong nodded.
"I'm dizzy. This shadow portal of yours," said Wukong. Liuer chuckled.
"Then don't stay like that. Take a sit." said the queen. The king watched Wkong's behavior closely.
As a gentleman, Liuer pulled out a chair for Wukong to sit down. Wukong sat down. Liuer moved the chair a little. Honestly, for Wukong, this was unnecessary behavior. But oh well... Liuer sat next to Wkong. Liuer smiled at Wukong. Wukong smiled slightly back.
There was an awkward silence for a moment.
"Liuer, pour her some tea," said the queen.
"Do you want?" Liuer asked. Wukong didn't know what to say. He just nodded. Liuer poured the tea, but Wukong did not drink. He was still embarrassed by the whole situation.
"Wukong, you have very beautiful fur," commented the queen. Wukong felt her eyes testing him. Wukong just smiled. He would definitely prefer to be in the room.
"I heard you're not a fan of the dark"
"Oh yes..."
"That's why there are lanterns, but don't worry, you'll get used to it over time"
Is he here to stay forever? There is no other choice for now. Why can't he make a decision?!
"It's kind of funny that everyone thought you were a man before. It's amazing how things can turn out."
Wukong didn't answer. He tasted bitterness. His mind was telling him to get out of there as fast as possible, but he couldn't leave Liuer here alone. His parents were definitely weird. It's got to survive somehow.
"You were in town yesterday," said the king.
"Just tell me how it was. Wukong, do you like the night city?" said the queen.
"It was quite nice," said Wukong. Liuer smiled. Wukong blushed as he remembered yesterday's events. The king and queen giggled.
"We went to the theater yesterday..."
"O Wukong, did you like it? Theater is such an amazing entertainment," said the king
"Yeah... It was interesting"
"And what did you go to?" the queen asked. Wukong completely ignored what they were on. He felt stupid now.
"We were in the 'realm of light and dark,'" said Liuer. Wukong relieved.
"It's a beautiful piece of art," said the queen. "Oh.. honey you haven't drunk your tea yet"
Wukong looked at his tea. He thought the tea was poison, and inside he felt disgusted. He picked up a cup of tea. He drank a little and put it down.
"Do you like it?" the queen asked. Wukong nodded. It felt like drinking hot metal. He even tasted metal in his mouth.
"My husband told me he hired you as his advisor"
"So I did," said the king.
"Is this the right job for a woman? You've never hired women as advisors"
"Wukong is doing great. Besides, he has similar powers as our son"
"Yes. And I'm helping her with her training," said Liuer. The queen looked at them with a raised eyebrow and sipped her tea.
"Is it something bad?" Wukong called back. Very annoyed with the whole situation.
"No.. of course not. It's just puzzling how you got so much power"
"I... I don't remember," Wukong said. The queen was sorry.
"Sorry," said the queen.
Wukong smiled faintly.
"Wukong hasn't regained his memories yet," said Liuer.
"Oh... It must be hard for you baby"
"I... Yeah, it's a bit overwhelming a bit..." said Wukong. Liuer took Wukong's hand. It was supposed to be a nice gesture of support, but Wukong felt bad. He smiled awkwardly. The queen smiled too. She found it quite cute.
"Oh.. you are just like us" said the queen and approached the king. The king kissed her head.
Wait what was that supposed to mean? What are they talking about? Wukong felt uneasy. It's this feeling that everyone knows the truth but you don't and it annoys you. Wukong tried to calm himself internally. So that no one can see that he is nervous.
"Liuer will take good care of you"
What? This is a bit scary. Liuer is caring, yes, but.. what are they up to. Wukong was confused. Liuer was still holding his hand.
"Would you like some cake?" Liuer asked.
"No thanks"
"Give her this. It's really good," said the queen. Liuer put the cake on Wkong's plate.
Does he really have no right to make decisions?
He still had the feeling that this cake this tea are poisoned. He looked at Liuer and forced himself to eat. Worst feeling in his life. He barely managed to eat it all. Liuer and his parents were talking about something. Wukong was in pain. He felt his headache getting worse. But it was much better than listening to all the stuff of them. Wukong just sat there and waited for the end. He was barely breathing. He felt terribly uncomfortable. His soul screamed. Wukong was aware of that. He could feel his blood start to boil. Until suddenly Liuer kissed him on the head. His parents giggled. Wukong recovered himself.
He looked at them confused. Their giggles rang in his ears.

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