Chapter 12.

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The following days passed. The prince was in despair. All day he knelt by Wukong's bed, waiting for him to wake up. His heart screamed in despair. He had a glimmer of hope that he would wake up soon.
  He was talking to him. Hoping that his beloved would hear his pleas and finally wake up.
  "Please.. Sunshine.." tears ran down his cheeks.

  Wukong still hasn't chosen which way to go. He heard the echo of the prince's voice. Ringing in his mind. The longer he listens to Liuer's voice, the more he feels overwhelmed, sad, angry. Why does it have to be like this? Why does he have to make a choice? It wasn't fair. The beam of light felt so nice... It was attracting him... "sorry Liuer..." Wukong took a step towards the light. He felt more free with each step he took. He made his own choice and no one can influence it. The light grew bigger with each step. It was like coming out of a dark tunnel. And where did it land?  You're kidding me? He found himself in another room. In which there was a mirror. A cracked mirror. With faulty elements with many faulty elements. But those elements that were shone with golden light. There were scattered elements around the mirror that did not shine, they were ordinary mirror shards. Wukong approached the mirror. Without touching the shards on the floor with feet. He looked closely. What's that supposed to mean? What was he supposed to do? There's nothing else to do anyway. He said that I would try to match the elements from the floor to the glowing ones. "Someone has a funny sense of humor," he said sarcastically. He went to work. Each element was thoroughly analyzed. It was not the easiest task. Some of the pieces were large and some were small and sharp. When he put one element to the glowing element, it also began to glow.
  Wukong spent several hours on it. His hands were cut by shrapnel. The only problem now is that the mirror was still defective. The mirror had lines visible as cracks. And still missing. It was like a broken puzzle. Wukong looked around, but found nothing new. he sighed. It had to be enough. What now? Wukong improvised. He touched the mirror. Light flowed into his hand. His eyes widened and glowed gold. It only lasted a few seconds. Wukong pulled his hand away from the broken mirror. He was in shock. It was something like a current flow. The mirror was no longer shining. It showed his reflection. It was him, but not him either. The mirror image had a yellow-blue hat. He was wearing a blue cape and a yellow shirt. He didn't see the rest. Because that was all there was to the mirror. The reflection looked worried. Wukong looked at it suspiciously. He crossed his arms. The reflection didn't. So it couldn't be his reflection.
  "Who are you?" Wukong asked. The reflection opened its mouth to speak and then closed it. It pondered.
"I am you?" The reflection answered. Wukong snorted.
  "you are not me"
  "Okay, I'm part of you. Better?"
  "No? Wait what?"
  The reflection sighed, "how can you explain it more simply? Maybe that's how I am part of your past life memories that you managed to piece together. Congrats. Of course, many pieces are missing. That's why we're incomplete."
  "That complicates things. Wait us?"
  The reflection nodded. "I'm part of (incomplete) memories. Okay, I'm your memories. Does it fit?"
  Wukong analyzed it. "So I'm in my mind?"
  "Yeah... There we are, we're very messed up minds."
  "If you are memories..then shouldn't we be together somehow?"
  "Hm... Do you mean unity? As one person or something?"
  Wukong nodded.
  "It's complicated..."
  "I have plenty of time"
  "No you don't have it"
  "Listen. When you wake up. You won't remember our conversation. But you will gain new memories or at least the awareness that something else was and who you are something like that..."
  "Something else?"
  "Hm... Try not to get into any love troubles and find our weapon as soon as possible."
  "Wait? What weapon?"
  "Wake up"
  "I love you..."
  The prince saw Wukong's fingers begin to twitch. It was a good sign that he was waking up.
  "Wukong? Sunshine?... Yes, I love you with all my heart." He took Wukong's hand.
  Wukong slowly opened his eyes. His head ached. It hurt a lot. Did he remember what happened to him? NO. He had no recollection of meeting his self. But now (as the reflection said) he had another new memory. About his life, friends, fighting. They were, of course, defective (as was the mirror).
  Liuer's eyes were full of tears. He was happy. He smiled, tears streaming down his cheeks. Wukong looked at him. He didn't know what was going on. He smiled slightly, but felt pain and winced. Why does his head hurt? And it hurts like hell.
  "Sunshine.." he stammered.
  "Moonshine... What.. happened..." he had trouble getting the words out. Liuer got up and sat next to Wkong.
  "You... are you awake? Yes? Am I... hallucinating?"
  "I.. no longer.. sleep.." he panted. Liuer hugged him. Lying down. Wukong groaned.
  "Please.. don't do that again"
  Wukong had to admit it was nice. Liuer kissed him on the cheek.
  "All right.."
  Liuer sat down. He was holding Wukong's hand. The prince's face was wet with tears. Tears were still streaming down his cheeks. Wukong extended his other hand to him. He touched his cheek and wiped his tears.
  Liuer smiled. "I was afraid you wouldn't wake up..."
Wukong said nothing.
Wukong had never seen a prince so broken before.
  "Why.. why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well?"
  Wukong looked away.
  "You could have told me..."
  "I know... I could..."
  "Please... No more secrets... I'm here by your side..."
  Wukong looked straight into his eyes. Liuer doesn't deserve to be lied to... He'll understand... he'll tell him.
  "Mmm..." He nodded. He still felt pain. His facial expression showed it. Liuer looked at him with concern.
  "Are you in pain? I'll call a doctor" Liuer stood up, his legs aching from kneeling, but it was bearable. Wukong's tail wrapped around the prince's tail.
  "No, yes.. wait"
  Liuer sat back down. He looked at him with eyes full of love. Wukong felt a stab of embarrassment and decided that he would tell half the truth after all. He opened his mouth to say it and closed it because he didn't even know what to say. He wanted to be honest (at least halfway).
  Wukong sighed. "Liuer... I... I have to tell you something..."
  "I want to be... honest with you... Uhm.. this whole world.. is weird"
  "What do you mean by that?"
  "That... for me from the very beginning... I didn't feel good... Your father.. this job.. powers.. your mother.. it all made me... angry and hurt..."
  "I felt overloaded... And on top of that... my hopeless mind..."
  "Do not say that.."
  "That's how it is,  Liuer...I.. is slowly regaining  memories"
  "I remember having my life... Brothers... friends... my people... I remember fighting many times..."
  Liuer was shocked.
  "Why didn't you tell me?"
  "Because... Because I was afraid... I didn't know what to do" another thing is that he knows that something was only after waking up.
  Liuer analyzed.
  "Relax... I'm not mad... Maybe a little that you didn't tell me, but I understand..."
  Wukong pulled him to him for a hug.
  "Thank you," Wukong whispered. He was relieved. He finally said it
  "I'm here.."
  Now the question arose: If Wukong regains his memory, will he leave him when he remembers everything? The prince felt angry at the thought.
  "How much do you remember?"
  "Not much.. just snippets.. I know there was something I remember, but when I try to remember more... I don't remember it anymore..."
  "I should go get a doctor..."
  "Not yet... Stay."
  "Okay... Do you have anything else to tell me?"
  "That I don't like your mother's tea"
  "How is it?"
  "It's bad. Don't make me drink it."
  Liuer chuckled. "Okay.. anything else?"
  "Maybe?" Liuer looked straight into his eyes. Wukong was about to say that he only treats him as a friend, but then Liuer said in that charming voice of his "Maybe?" And he smiled slyly. Wukong thought: well, he's thinking about something else... Wukong knew what his friend wanted to hear, it wasn't great.
  "Moonshine, I..."
  They kissed. When air ran out, Liuer stepped back. "I love you, too".
  And that's what he feared. Now he definitely won't tell him they're just friends. And he'll have to carry on... Sigh.
  Someone knocked on the door. Liuer sighed. "They came.."
  Wukong looked at him questioningly.
  "You know my father also has super hearing" Liuer stood up.
  Shit, thought Wukong. Now he was starting to regret what he said. lovely. This information was supposed to be for Liuer only. Wukong had a feeling that the king was not happy, his face showed it.
Liuer opened the door. The king, queen and doctor entered. The king had a serious expression on his face. Wukong stared at him. He watched him, assessed him. Wukong realized that the king knew. It wasn't good.
The queen had a gentle expression on her face. Liuer sat down next to Wkong. Wukong automatically grabbed his hand. The queen and the king stood in front of the bed. Wukong looked at the king. The doctor put his bag on the floor. He stood on the other side. Against the prince.
"Honey, we are happy to see you awake. The whole castle was in mourning," the queen said with a kind smile.
"How do you feel?" the doctor asked
"I'm fine..."
"Wukong," said Liuer. And he looked at him. He took his hand with both hands.
Wukong sighed. "Okay... I feel like pice of shit, better?"
Rather, they expected a kinder response. The king narrowed his eyes.
The doctor took the stethoscope.
"Is it necessary?"
"He must examine you," said Liuer.
"Fine, but only you and the doctor stay in the room"
"Father, mother," Liuer addressed the king and queen. The queen smiled. She understood that this might be uncomfortable for Wukong. The king nodded to the doctor. Wukong saw it. It scared him.
The doctor listened to the breath. He measured the pressure. Then he unwrapped the bandage, took out a cotton swab that was soaked with blood. He put it aside.
"The stitches will be removed in a few days"
He took a new cotton swab and soaked it in disinfectant liquid. And washed the wounds. Wukong hissed in pain. He felt it on his bare skin. is he bald?
"Don't I have hair?"
"Just a little"
"Just a little?!"
"You still look beautiful"
"It's not helping"
The doctor took the ointment. He smeared the wound. Wukong growled. The doctor bandaged his head. Then the doctor took out a small box. And he took out a glass. He handed the glass to the prince. Liuer went to the bathroom and filled it with water and came back. Inside the box were black pills. The doctor took one out.
"What is this?" Wukong asked.
"This is medicine"
"You'll have to take it regularly so it doesn't happen again."
"What again?"
"You've lost consciousness..."
Wukong snorted.
"Sunshine. It's a miracle you woke up."
"I won't take it"
"NO." ,
"Wukong. I don't want to go through this again. don't know if you'll wake up or not. Please."
Wukong rolled his eyes. He had a bad feeling. He took a tablet, water. He swallowed, drank.
"It wasn't that bad," said Liuer.
Liuer chuckled.
Then the days passed. Wukong lay in bed all the time and was bored. He was not allowed to leave the room. The doctor examined him every day. He was giving him this so-called medicine. Did he feel better after that? NO. Maybe his head stopped hurting, but so what if he felt that his mind had become blure. He tried to think things through, like new memories, but every time he tried to remember, he couldn't. He knew it was because of the drug. He couldn't just remember and forget. No, it had to be the damn drug. And if it was drug-induced... then the doctor must have had something to do with it, which means someone ordered it. The only person in this whole kingdom who has enough power to make even a doctor do it is... the king. Something must be driving him to want Wukong not to remember. But the question what? Wukong didn't know, but he knew he didn't trust him. From the very beginning of his stay in this kingdom, the king has been acting suspiciously... He must have some ulterior motive. The king knew well, he must have known about his powers... About who he used to be...
The more, the more he thought about all the shit he'd unwittingly gotten himself into, the more fear grew inside him. He couldn't stay here any longer. He was supposed to find something... Yes, find something... but what was it? Damn drug. Good basic things from his life before he forgets (again). It was annoying that he remembered and didn't remember, remembered and didn't, knew and didn't... This whole farce went on too long. To the point. "I remember I had... brothers... who betrayed me... Or maybe it was this one brother... His name was... Damn I forgot... good another thing... I had friends I guess... They were my advisers? No, generals? But that means I was... Okay, I'll get to that later. Another thing. I fought... I fought a lot... What did I fight for? I fought to be.... Stronger? To protect the people I care about... Damn... Just another reason why I can't stay here... I'm getting out of this bed right now."
Wukong at least tried to sit up. Well.. he growled in pain.
Liuer emerged from the shadows carrying a tray of food and a cup. He smiled.
"Sunshine.. you shouldn't get up"
Wukong looked at him. His determination declined. He no longer felt anger or fear.
Liuer sat down on the bed, placed the tray beside him. "I brought you a sandwich and tea"
Wukong winced.
"Calm down. You said you liked the taste of I brought you peach flavored tea."
Wukong smiled. He ate a sandwich. He drank the tea. The taste was pleasant. He hadn't had a peach in his mouth in a long time. It was a nice change.
Liuer lay down beside him. hugging him.
"How are you feeling today?" Liuer asked.
Wukong sighed.
"I'm ok."
"It'll be all right"
It'll be good to get out of here, Wukong thought.
Liuer was still very kind, caring even more. Wukong didn't have the heart to leave him. The problem was that Wukong was already used to it. He already felt comfort at his touch, at his tender gestures. Instead of resentment, something completely new and unexpected appeared. It definitely shouldn't be like this, but well, the heart doesn't serve...
The question arose: if Wukong asked the prince to see the real sun with him, leave this dark realm, would Liuer agree?
"Can... Can we go someday...somewhere, get out of here?"
"Leave? hmm.. actually... I could show you the rest of our kingdom"
What? That's not what I meant, Wukong thought.
"But get well first."

Another chapter, new thing, new feelings (on the end, yeah) hah. What do you think what would hapen if Wukong choose second way (stay in dark)? 🤔
If you thought that he was going to die after choosing the light you were wrong. Yeah... As The title shows "Unexpected" is unexpected. Yeah I love it. 😈😍
What's more... Do you think Liuer would go with Wukong to see the real light world? Or better if The King would agree whit this idea?
Ouer lovely character, the King, will show his mind/plan soon. (Or not so soon haha😈)
Get ready. 😉 Hava nice day. 😊 Bye.
(Comments welcome)

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