Chapter 2~ Art Gallery

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«Theta? Koshie? I will find you.»
A little girl with long blonde hair and big blue eyes sparkling in delight shouts, running around a house, looking for someone. She looks like a 6 years older: she wears a white dress, no shoes, her long hair is loosen and she's squeezing a little teddy bear to her chest. She runs in the red garden, the two Suns shining above them. She looks everywhere, even under a little box of wood but of course finds nothing. She then turns around and finally spots someone behind the tree.
«Ha ha!» she shouts in triumph and starts jumping up and down clapping her little hands together happily.
«Den for Koschei.» she laughs.
From behind the tree emerges a 9-year-old-looking boy dressed all in black, with black hair combed backwards with gel and deep blue eyes.
«Come on it's not fair! I'm sure you cheated!» he whines pointing his finger at the girl accusingly.
«Just admit it. I won.» she says putting her arms on her hips, triumphant. The boy roles his eyes faking to be annoyed even though there is a smile playing on his lips «Okay, victory is yours Cris.» he admits, throwing a hand in the air. The girl nods proudly. «Yeah. I know.» she giggles. The boy laughs and runs to her shouting «Oh, you had it coming, young lady! Now I'll catch you!»
The girl starts laughing and runs away. They run around the garden, the girl running as fast as she could but, having shorter legs, still slower. So she decides to hide behind the orange tree. She peers from behind it, wondering if the boy left but then
«Boo!» she hears behind her.
She looses equilibrium and starts falling down but the boy catches her.
She looks up: blue eyes, black hair, bow tie and shorts. She stares at him and he stares back with a sweet smile.
«Den for Theta!» she laughs out.
«Oh, is that your way if paying back then?» he asks, sarcastically but smiling a little, as he helps her up on her feet. Once she's safely standing on the ground she grins.
«Nope! This is!» she says as she stands on her tip toes and places a kiss on his cheek. Theta freezes on the spot, a blush making its way on his cheek and neck. He is slightly older that the little girl, it is evident. But it also is evident that he likes when the little girl pays that kind of attention to him. He started mumbling something, while scratching the back of his neck, trying to say something but stuttering and ending up blushing even more.
The girl watches his containing a smile to curl on her little lips, when she notices Koshei running out in the distance, out of the corner of her eye. She gasps the quickly grabs the hand of the poor blushing boy and «Run!» she whispers to him, as she pulls him behind and the two run to hide and continue their game.


A big glorious city is standing in the middle of many hills, surrounded by a circular transparent wall, looking like a big soap bubble. At first it can look just like defenseless glass but actually, it's a big perception filter that is almost unbreakable. And right there, on one of the many hills covered with beautiful red grass, lies a boy and a girl, looking at the beautiful city they call home. The boy is sitting down and the girl is lying on his knees, playing with a flower she found earlier.
«Tell me a story, Theta.» she speaks suddenly, looking up at him.
Theta smiles: It's always that sweet smile full of care and love. Love he feels towards the girl who is lying on his knees.
«Aren't you too old for stories?» he asks her, amused.
She grins and putts the flower she've been holding, behind his ear.
«I will never be too old for that.» she says, grinning. The boy laughs throwing his head back to look at the orange sky. He can't be happier than here, now, with his soulmate by his side. Not just 'soulmate' because they love each other, but soulmates in the whole word of its meaning. When a Time Lord borns he already has a soulmate. It's a destiny. She is his destiny. He doesn't know though that all this will soon fade. Disappear like it never existed...
But now, here on planet Gallifrey in the Constellation of Kasterborous, it is all just about the two of them. He looks back at her, with such care and love.
«Emmm...» his eyes flicker up, in thoughts. «Let me think...»
«Think you genius.» says the girl looking away.
«Was that sarcasm?» asks the boy looking at her.
She doesn't look at him but laughs
«Okay, then. I have a story!» he changes the argument. The girl looks at him.
«Once upon a time, there was a boy. A Time Lord. And he was terribly in love with the princess of his kingdom.» the girl smiles. «And they decided that, once they're grown up, they'll run away in time and space with their time machine.» he says playing with her long hair.
«Which the girl won't ever let him fly since he still didn't pass the test.» the girl says.
«Oh, come on! I was just tired that day, you know I'm perfectly capable to fly a TARDIS!» the boy whines.
«You burned our school, Theta.» The girl replies.
«That is not true!... Just the first floor.» he says, blushing.
She can't bare but laugh as she pecks his cheek. He relaxes and once again his lips curve into a smile. The girl lies back on his knees and they drift back into a comfortable silence. «Cris?» Theta calls, after a while. She looks at him.
«What is time for you?» he asks. Cris looks at the beautiful red city below them and thinks.
«You know...» she eventually speaks «Everyone always assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually, from a non-liner, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of...» she designs a ball in the air and then looks up at him «...Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey stuff.»
He explodes in a laugh throwing his head back like a child. Theta was sooo childish. Then he looks down at her and, smiling, mutters «Cris, I love you.»
She smiles. «I love you too.» she says.

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