Chapter 24~ The seance

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I am so sorry it took me a week to post but I've been so busy lately! I found out I really suck at math and I will have to take private lessons. :'( And the worst part? I have a very important exam and, if I don't pass, I won't be able to attend high school. :'(((((((((((((

PLUS I found out I'm moving. O.O
Changing city. I had to find a high school there and I even had to take the train and go visit it. So yeah, I've been busy.

But you guys chill and have a nice day. :) Good luck reading.


General pov:


Gwyneth was pouring them all tea. The Doctor stood by the fire place, his arms crossed on his chest; Melody sat on a comfy armchair, her hands under her chin and the look lost in the fire; Dickens was sitting behind the table and Rose was having a go at Sneed. Which the Doctor and Melody found funny listening to.

«First of all you drug us, then you kidnap us, and don't think I didn't feel your hands having a quick wander, you dirty old man.» Rose said, infuriated. Both the Doctor and Melody sniggered.

«I won't be spoken to like this!» Sneed tried to defend himself, failing, cause Rose ignored his remark completely.

«Then you stuck us in a room full of zombies! And if that ain't enough, you swan off! And leave us to die! So come on, talk!» Rose said angrily.

«It's not my fault, it's this house!» Sneed complained. «It always had a reputation. Haunted. But I never had much bother until a few months back. And then the stiffs...»

Dickens looked mildly offended. Sneed proceeded «...the er, dear departed started getting restless.»

«Tommyrot.» Dickens mildly scoffed.

«You witnessed it! Can't keep the beggars down, sir! They walk. And it's the queerest thing that they hang on to scraps...» Sneed told them.

Meanwhile Gwyneth put a cup of tea on the fireplace, next to the Doctor, holding another one in her left hand. «Two sugars, sir, just how you like it.» she said, then walked to Melody, The Doctor looking at her retreating back curiously.

«Same for you, not very hot though, so you won't burn your tongue. Don't worry I promise it won't.» Gwyneth said smiling meekly while putting the cup down on the table next to the armchair.

Melody looked up at her in confusion. She didn't drink tea because, when she was little, she burned her tongue on it and it hurt for 2 days or so, so she was afraid it would've happened again. With time the fear disappeared but the habit of not drinking tea remained.

Though no one knew about that, she never told anyone.

«Thank you...» she thanked slowly, her brows frowned as she studied the girl's face. Gwyneth smiled and walked off. Melody kept her confused look on the floor for a short moment, then raised it on the Doctor, catching his gaze straight away. She raised a brow, questioningly. He just shrugged. Melody nodded slightly, then returned her attention to the fire.

«One old fella who used to be a sexton almost walked into his own memorial service! Just like the old lady going to your performance, sir! Just as she planned.» Sneed proceeded.

«Morbid fancy.» Dickens commented.

«Oh, Charles, you were there.» the Doctor said.

«I saw nothing but an illusion.» Dickens replayed.

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