Chapter 9~ Victory of the Daleks

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Ugh, guys.
I had a really bad day and I even don't know why. I guess it's just a feeling. Plus I have this huge amount of homework and I'm not sure I'll finish them to the end of the summer, And believe me I always work hard.
So, talking about the book, from now on I'll make some chapters that are in the original Doctor Who timeline. And I'm sure you understand that it will be full of unusualness blah blah blah, but I'll do my best trying to make them funnier.

WARNING: THIS CHAPTER WILL COMPLETELY SUCK :( it's just I don't like that episode so I skipped big parts here. So so so so sorry. Please continue reading after you finish this chapter. So sorry again.


Elizabeth's pov:

«So...» Amy leaned on the console with both hands while me and the Doctor were pressing some buttons at different sides of the console.

I did a slight movement with my head signalising her to go on. «...Are you two... Siblings?» she asked.

My head flew up and looked at her wide eyes. «What?! No!» I half-shouted, not only hearing my voice but also the Doctor's. I looked at him, meeting his eyes which were already on me. We both laughed, pointing a finger on each other like two 5 year olders. Then the Doctor returned to the buttons. Okay, maybe we were a bit similar. I looked at Amy.

«Why did you ask?»

«Cause you two are pretty similar. You are both mad, both clever, funny... You have many things in common. He is really overprotective about you like if you were some kind of his treasure.» Amy pointed put. I blushed at the last observation and noticed the Doctor did too.

I then shrugged and returned to look at the console. «Plus you two have the same eyes.» she added and this time I looked at her interested. The Doctor did too. I don't know if I day dreamed it or if it was true, But I think I saw a shadow of fear in the Doctors eyes. Like if he was afraid of something... Maybe of me finding out of something...

Amy noticed our silence and just stood there, glancing first at me and then at the Doctor for a few minutes.

«Yeah, you two have the same eyes. Not the color but... There's something about them that is similar. You are both young but your eyes look older. And sadder than you act.» she said. I was still staring at her with my mouth slightly open. Same eyes? Looking older? Sadder? This things scared me. Because partly they were true.

We stayed in complete silence when, with the corner of my eye, I saw a lever going down. It's like
the TARDIS knew I was in trouble. There's always been a connection between us.

«Lets go, now!» I said and, jumping over the leader, I grabbed my coat and stormed out of the TARDIS.

As soon As I stepped out, I came face to face with guns.

«Emmm... Doctor?» I called.

«What's wrong Liz-» he stepped by my side and saw the guns pointed on us. He pulled me behind himself straight away, protectively.

«Winston Churchill.»

«Doctor is that you?» a man called out.

«Winston!» the Doctor said and wanted to shake his hand but Winston bent over and kissed my hand and then Amy's.

He then went to shake the Doctor's hand, but he motioned with his fingers. «Oh, every time!»

«What's he after?» Amy asked.

«TARDIS key of course.» The Doctor replayed.

«Think of what I could achieve with your remarkable machine. Oh, the lives that could be saved.» Winston told the Doctor.

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