Chapter 26~ The Savior and The Runaway Bride

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3rd person pov:

The TARDIS materialized in the power estate, no people around. Rose (who've changed back into jeans and pink and gray jacket) and the Doctor stepped out, the door closing behind them. The Doctor leaned against the door folding his arms on his chest as Rose spoke «How long have I been gone?»

«About 12 hours.» he replayed. They laughed. It was still difficult for Rose thinking she wasn't dreaming, and the things she've seen were true.

«Oooh! Right, I won't be long, I'm just gonna see my mum.» she told him.

In that moment Melody popped out: she've changed into a white blouse, longer behind, and comfy skinny blue jeans, with white converse on her feet.

«What're you going to tell her?» she asked Rose, her hands in her jacket pockets.

«I don't know! I've been to the year 5 billion... and only been gone, what, 12 hours?»

The Doctor and Melody gave something between a laugh and a snort.

«No, I'll just tell her I've spent the night at Shareens. See you later!» Rose said, and tried to spin around and walk off but Melody coughed her arm causing Rose to face her again.

«Actually... I'm going to leave for a bit.» she told Rose, not wanting at any cost to look at the Doctor. She didn't want to see him frustrated or disappointed. So, being the coward she was, she decided not to take the risk.

Instead she watched Rose's face falling. «What?!» she blinked rapidly in confusion. 

Melody regretted her hand and let out a sight «I need to leave for a bit... Need to care of some...» she gazed at the Doctor from the corner of her eye, unnoticed by him, even though he was looking down at her for the hole time. «...being made.» she said, looking back at Rose.

Rose nodded, understanding that it was better not to ask other questions. Especially when the Doctor was nearby. She then enveloped Melody in a hug.

«Be. careful.» she said firmly, her voice huffed in Melody's shoulder.

Melody laughed, hugging back «Yes, ma'am.»

«And please please please come back soon.» Rose said, squeezing Melody hard and rocking her left to right.

Melody let out a chuckle «I'll see what I can do.» she said. Her eyes flicked up on the Doctor. He was smiling from the corner of his lips, watching the two girls.

«But wait.» Rose suddenly pulled back to look at Melody «I will see you again, right?» she asked, frowning. Almost threateningly.

«Of course! No way I'm going to leave you.» she told Rose. Then looked up at the Doctor, next to her «Or you.» she said smiling. He smiled.

Rose let out a chuckle. As Melody looked back at her, silence fell in between the trio, they all exchanging smiles.

«Right, then Rose Taylor.» Melody said, gazing on the floor and back at Rose, swinging slightly back and forth on her heels, hands I her pockets. «Jackie awaits.»

Rose looked back at the building and back at her friend. «Yes, I guess... Please be safe, Mel.» she said, hugging her again.

«Surely will.»

With that Rose gave her a kiss on the temple, then spun around and walked off. Only to turn back again.

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