Chapter 35~ Utopia

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«Time is very slow for those who wait. Very fast for those who are scared. Very long for those who lament. Very short for those who celebrate. But for those who love time is eternal.» my mouth closed into a smile, my gaze low, thinking over those words that just left my mouth. 

«Who is that?»

My head snapped up and I craned my neck, to look up at him, dressed in a shirt and brown pants. His dark hair flew at the wind, some sighs of hair visible on his jaw line and chin, meaning he haven't shaven this morning and started working in the field at an early hour.

He stayed silent, awaiting for my answer, even though I knew he was dying of curiosity. I smiled wider. I closed the little book I was holding, keeping a finger between the pages I stopped at, as I glanced down at the cover, even though I already knew the name of author. «William Shakespeare.» I smiled down at the little book I was clinching in my hands, as I ran my thumb on the old looking and fragile cover. «I found it in my mother's library. Earth's Classics section.» 

«For being a human he is sure a wise man.»

«Well, you would know.» I teased.

He chuckled. Then picked up a wooden dumpster and positioned it in front of me, before sitting down on it, speaking «Read me something else.»

I laughed a little at how interested he looked, as he awaited with an awed smile. I, once again, opened the book «To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer, The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them.»

«Your mother surely has good taste in literature. I'd love to visit her library once.» he spoke.

«Oh, I'm sure you'd love it there. Especially the Earth section! Father always teases mother and I on how we can spend days closed in that library. I can't help it, the Earth writers write such interesting things! It is so interesting to see how they saw their world, and it's a way for me to know something more about another plant .» I told him.

He laughed softly «Your mother and you sure have same interests, my darling.»

«Yes, indeed, we do. And I'm glad they named me after something human. Makes the both of us closer to the beautiful planet.»

«Yes, but not even closely beautiful as you.»

I rolled my eyes «You're such a flirt, Theta.»

«You love me.»

«You're so sure about it, aren't you?»

«Well... Y-yes.» he frowned, insecurely.

I rolled my eyes smiling. Then leaned in closer to him, and pecked his soft lips. I couldn't help but feeling something exploding inside me as I did. Like humans sometimes wrote in their books, fireworks. I heard they were some kind of really colourful explosive. Weird race the humans, but fascinating. As I pulled back I looked in his eyes «I love you, Theta.» I declared.

I could see relief overtaking his features. He smiled «I love you too, my love.»

He went to kiss me again, his eyes closed, but I leaned back and opened the book again. «Did you know that they have green grass? And that, apparently, their sky is blue?» I asked him, matter of a factly, as I pretended not to notice that he struggled to maintain his balance once he understood my mouth was within his reach. I could see him blush, and stifled a laugher.

«Well, once I'll get a TARDIS we shall prove such theory.» he said, standing up.

I chuckled «You have to pass at least one of your exams first.»

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