Chapter 13~ Flesh and Stone

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Guys, I just found out I was spelling Elizabeth's nickname wrong. It actually is written 'Lizzie'.😱
So, yeah, I'll correct it in the past chapters. And one more thing before I start.

Please comment if you like this story and you want me to continue. I don't have many likes and comments and I just wanna know if people actually read what I write. Please comment.


I groaned as I hit the ground. Or at least it felt like ground. A metallic ground. Moments later the light turned on and I blinked some times to get used to it.

The Doctor jumped on his feet straight away «Up, look up!» and started racing back and forth. I rubbed my head that hurt like I hit (in this case) a metallic ground.

«Do you actually feel pain sometimes?» I asked him sarcastically as he raced pass me, still on the floor. He ignored me completely making me throw a glare at him.

«Everyone alright?» I called for the others. A few groans and laments followed.

«Okay.» I mumbled under my nose, nodding to myself.

«What happened?» Amy inquired, getting up.

«We jumped.» River and I said at the same time, for then glance at each other. I gave her a ear-to-ear smile while she shot me a little one.

«Jumped where?» a still very confused Amy asked.

«Emm... Up?» I sarcastically asked. I slowly got up, still groaning.

«Up, up, look up.» the Doctor said racing past me that fast that he made me loose equilibrium and I fell back on the ground, this time hitting my butt. I threw him a glare but he didn't seem to notice I even fell.

«Where are we?» Amy asked.

«Exactly where we were.» River explained again while I got up again and was staring the 'ceiling' with big interest. I stared at it for so long that my neck started aching.

«Move your feet.» The Doctor said to Amy, and she obeyed. He kneeled down taking out his screwdriver and sonicing the indentation.

«Doctor, what am I looking at? Explain.» Amy demanded.

He raised up on his feet. «Oh, c'mon Amy, think! The ship crashed with the power still on, yeah, so what else is still on?» with that said, he kneeled down again. 

«The artificial gravity. One good Jump and we fell. Shot out the grab globe to give us an updraft and here we are!» he explained.

I glanced on the Doctor and the others with a huge grin «Look at me everyone, I'm Spider-Man!» I laughed. But no one did. Some of them just threw me some disapproving looks, Amy and the Doctor ignored me and River just faked a smile. The one of a 'shut-up-you're-making-fool-of-yourself' one.

I dropped my smile and my enthusiasm. «Pff. Boring muggles.» I scoffed, walking to the rest of the group with a pout expression.

This time the Doctor chuckled keeping his glance down.

~Skip time and useless bubble~

«Amy, Lizzie, when the lights go out, the wheel will release. Four turns clock wise.» the Doctor yelled to Amy and I.

«Ten.» we said at the same time, not knowing it.

«No four.» he corrected us.

«Yeah, we heard you.» Amy spoke while I just stood there still. What just happened?


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