Chapter 14~ What's the feeling?

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Hello guys. So I found out the Master's and the Doctors names are actually Theta and Koschei and I really feel like a fool because I forgot that. Anyway, sorry if I haven't updated for quite long, it's just school's starting, my birthday was Friday (11th September) and I was freaking happy.

It's really a coincidence that I like the 11th Doctor and I was born on 11th... And I see 11th's everywhere. Where ever I look there is an 11. It's a really creepy coincidence even though some people say nothing is a coincidence... Oh, well if I'll suddenly stop updating it means I'm with the Doctor in the TARDIS or dead. Or just lazy to do so.

Now read the chapter xx

Ps. The next chapter's going to be a very big deal!


«BOOOORED!» I exclaimed, throwing my head backwards and hitting the rock which I was landing on with my back. But I didn't care of the pain. I was still sitting on the ground, still with my eyes closed. Amy was there too but she was silenter than I was.

I picked up a gun that have been lying next to me for at least an hour now, aimed it at the sky and shoot. As I was expecting, the bullet hit the ceiling and fell somewhere in the forest. I dropped my hand back down with a lazy movement, and sighed deeply.

I heard footsteps and someone approached me. «Miss Lizzie, we gave you this gun for self defense, not for shooting the sky and wasting our bullets.» a guy told me, pretty irritated.

I looked in his direction. «Yeah of course, because I can defend myself while I'm blind, from monsters who are immune to bullets and to all of your weaponry put together. Of course I can, but I guess I'll already die of boredom by then. How much time passed? An hour? Three? Five?Si-»

«30 minutes, Miss.» he cut me off.

I let out a cry. «Why does time go by so slowly?... Anyway leave me in pace and preferably don't come back.» I said, waving my hand dismissively. He glared at me and I could've sworn, he mumbled something offensive as he left. I was acting like an arse, I know. But that just happened when I was bored. I guess I learned from the best.

I sighed, shifting in my seat uncomfortably. Because, you know, a stone as a pillow isn't exactly the best of comfort.

Amy sighed «So, what's happening? Anything happening out there?» she asked.

«The Angels are still grouping.» the cleric from before answered her.

I sighed in annoyance when suddenly, the light flicked. My eyes were closed but I could still see the light slightly.

«Are you getting this too?» the guy asked someone.

«The trees? Yeah.» that 'someone' answered.

«What's wrong with the trees?» Amy asked as I sat up straight, trying to listen.

«Here too, sir. They're ripping the Treeborgs apart.» another guy answered. «And here. They're taking out the lights.»

«What is it? What's happening? Tell me. I can't see.» Amy demanded.

«It's the trees, ma'am. The trees are going out.» the first guy told her. My hart skipped a beat. The blood froze in my veins, my hands started shaking, my face went pale. Doctor where are you?

~~~ Timey-Wimey Skip~~~

«Hello, are you there? Hello? Hello!» I asked Marco through the radio, Amy exasperated. There was the crack in the wall here and we were alone in a forest full of weeping angels with our eyes closed now. Fantastic is it? I squeezed my eyes as much as I could and gritted my teeth trying not to shout in frustration. I was about to throw the radio on the floor and break it when...

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