Chapter 32~ Come Along Cap

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Okay, guys this is the last episode of 9th I'll do in this book, which is coming to end by the way. I really hope you enjoy reading it cos I really love writing it! I know there wasn't that much romance in this book but I promise it will change in book 2. Have fun and happy holidays.


Some minutes later, Jacks ship landed in the waste-ground, which was just outside the cash site. The Doctor, Melody, Rose and Jack himself walked over the rail station near the bomb site and peered over the barbed wire.

«There it is.» Jack told them. His eyes flickered down and he spotted a familiar face «Ay, they've got Algy on duty. Must be important.»

«We've gotta get past.» The Doctor said.

«The words 'distract the guard' head in my general direction.» Rose said.

«Hmmm, I don't think that's a good idea.» Melody said, pushing her lips in a tight line.

«Don't worry... I can handle it.»

«I've got to know Algy quite well since I've been in town. Trust me. You're not his type.» Jack told her. Rose looked slightly offended at first but then the penny dropped and her eyes widened in realization. Melody let out a silent chuckle at her friend's expression. Jack chilled at her slightly «I'll distract him. Don't wait up.» Jack added at the and then walked away.

Rose looked Melody and the Doctor.

«Relax, he's a 51st century guy.» Melody shrugged.

«He's just a bit more flexible when it comes to dancing.» the Doctor added.

«How flexible?» Rose inquired.

«Well, by his time, you lot have spread out across half the galaxy.»


The Doctor grinned «So many species, so little time...»

«What, that's what we do when we get out there? That's our mission? We seek new life, and... and...»

«Dance.» The Doctor, then sniggered.

Melody rolled her eyes «You won't let it go for the whole day, will ya?»

«Nope.» he replayed popping the P, grinning self-fondly.

Jack meanwhile jumped down onto the rail track on the bomb site, where Algy was pacing. «Hey, tiger!» he greeted, happily «How's it hanging?»

Algy turned to Jack, his look somehow blank, and looked at him inquisitively.

«Mummy?» he then muttered.

«Algy, old sport, it's me.»


Jack's smile fades «It's me, Jack.»

Algy just cocked his head to the side, observing Jack with child-like curiosity «Are you my... mummy?» he then asked. But was cut off by a suffocating cough, causing him to fall on his knees. Before the very eyes of Jack, Rose, Melody and the Doctor, his face transformed into a gas mask.

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