Chapter 31~ Shut Up And Dance With Me

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MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYYYYYS! You won't ever believe it but I checked my position today and guess what? I'M 27 IN FANFICTION!!!! \(*o*)/
This is the BEST Christmas present I'm so so happy! Thank you so much! Have a fantastic day and I love you all!!!



The gas-masked people were surrounding them, moving closer and closer, causing Rose, the Doctor, Melody and Jack to be as close as possible to the wall.

Melody closed her eyes and leaned her forehead on the back of the Doctor's shoulder, since he was still standing in front of her.

"This can't end like this." She thought.

"Oh, I'm sure, Theta will make something up. He's a smart one, ya know? Have some faith in him, he needs just that." A voice suddenly echoed loud and clear in Melody's mind. She widened and frowned cos... That was her voice. But at the same time, it wasn't. It wasn't her speaking, she was sure about that. It was another part of her. The one that hid deep deep down inside her, somewhere in the corner of her mind. Somewhere in her lost memories.

"Yeah, he always has been. I'm sure he won't let you down. Just stay there with him, he needs you. I trust you, little one. Don't let me down." The voice said, affectionately. Melody hated to admit it to herself but... She knew this voice. This was the voice who called for Theta's help when she and Amy were trapped in that bunker with the weeping angel. This was the voice which always, somehow, saved her life.

And, what she hated to acknowledge even more, was that the voice was the one who spoke for her when she said all that smart stuff only the Doctor was capable to know and understand. Every time she knew something it's impossible for her to know, it was that voice who was speaking for her.

Melody gulped, her eyes wide as she stared in nothing.

«Go to your room!» a loud and strong voice suddenly snapped her out of her thoughts. She blinked several times, trying to return to the reality, and get those crazy thoughts out of her head.

Then she looked forward, to see who shouted that. As she expected, it was, indeed, the Doctor who was standing still in his place.

And guess what? The gasmask people stood still. Melody held her breath, afraid that even a small movement would've made them snap at the Doctor.

«Go to your room!» The Doctor shouted again. Melody's hands were still shaking from fear, she supposed. But not fear for herself, but for the bravest man who was ready to give away his live to save hers and the one of her friends. He was sacrificing his own life, though it didn't seem to bother him if he got to save his friends in the process.

'Cos that's what he always does: sacrifices. 

The gas-masked people cocked their heads to one side, still on their spot though observing curiously the Doctor.

Melody, smiling ear to ear in awe, threw a glance at Rose and Jack, to check if they were okay and to throw a bemused face at them. Something similar to a "Oh, my god, look at what he's doing!" expression. They, instead, threw her back a "what the hell is he doing?!" kinda face.

«I mean it! I am very, very angry with you. I am very, very cross!» the Doctor said, firmly, sending chills to run down Melody's spine. «Go... to... your... room!» he commented, as though addressing a disobedient child, pointing violently in no particular direction.

And guess what? All the gas-masked people slowly and meekly turned away, keeping their heads down as though they were ashamed of what they did.

They walked to their beds and climbed back onto them. When they finally lied down, the Doctor sighed in relief, while the trio behind him were still watching the gas-masked people with shock written all over their faces.

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