Chapter 12~ Saved

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Not dead! Sorry if I didn't post it's because I just came home (in Russia. I live in Itlay but I was born in Russia, my parents are Russian, I speak Russian... So I guess I'm pretty Russian) and I haven't visited it for almost two years so I had many things going on.
Plus I didn't have wifi. Now I'm sitting in a beauty center waiting for my mother and, THANKS HEAVENS ABOVE AND HELL BELOW, there is wifi!
So here you are the chapter. Sorry if it's a bit long and for the mistakes. Enjoy.


«Amy! Lizzie!» I suddenly heard the Doctor's voice as he pounded on the door of the bunker once, causing my eyes to fly open. I looked up only to see a not so pleasant image in front: The Angel was nearly in front of me. I gulped while Amy cheered happily.

«Doctor! Please help, we're stuck here with the angel!» she begged.

«Amy! Good, you're alive. What about Lizzie, is she fine? Please tell me she is.» The Doctor begged while my eyes were fixed on the remoter. Wait, it can't move when we can see it? What if I turn it off in the moment when a second becomes another? Will the screen frizz? Oh, well, worth's a try.

«Hmm? What? Oh, yes. Yes. I'm... Fine. Terrifically. Fantastically. Perfectly. Brilliantly. Oh, that's actually cool to say. Bril-li-ant-ly.» I said it so fast I wasn't sure myself what have I said. I was a bit nervous.

Amy stared at me with a strange expression, obut I saw her just with the corner of my eye. My eyes were fixed on the Angel again.

«Okay, Good. Now, I'll work out the door. Don't look at its eyes!» The Doctor said instead. He wasn't surprised of my little outburst of words.

«Doctor?» I asked suddenly pretty irritated.

«Yes, Lizzie?»

«Remember when I told you, that when you tell someone not to do a thing, they automatically need to do it?»


«You failed the test.»

I could feel him glaring at me from behind the door. But I ignored it. «I'll try to turn it off again.» I said slowly raising up.

«Fine, but don't look-. Ugh, I hate you sometimes!» He grumped making me smirk.

«Alright then, Mr Thickity...» I said to the Angel while picking up the remoter, still with my eyes fixed on the screen. «Let's take you back to Thicktown , now shall we?»

I looked at the screen and, in the millisecond when the three was about to become a four, I pressed the off button. The image, and the Angel with it, froze. Stuck. In that moment the door opened and the Doctor ran in, his eyes wide. «You two alright?»

I heard Amy hugging him as soon as he got in and that fact made me smirk to myself. But also feel a bit uneasy again.

I slowly turned around with the remoter still in my hand, only to catch his worried look. I cheerfully smiled at him. He suddenly jumped on me wrapping his arms around my body and hugging me tight.

«Thanks god you're okay.» he whispered.

I hugged back chuckling. «You won't get rid of me that easily, raggedy man.» I called him with the nickname Amy have him.

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