Chapter 34~ Don't Blink

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Chapter dedicated to CapriOwO who is just an awesome and amazing person. I really don't know if I would've continued this book if it wasn't for him. Thank you so much, Jake, you're awesome!

I'm so so so sorry it took me two weeks to update but I've been really busy and really lazy, I admit. Please don't kill me.

Though, here is a long (like really long) chapter! Enjoy my fellows!


The little bell hanging above the doorframe, jingled as the door of the DVD store lazily swung open and two girls made their entrance into the shop. The little place was full of old and new DVDs and random posters stuck on the wall.

Melody noticing them, stopped and looked at them closer, hands in her pockets. A smile similar to the one of an exited kid who just got a new toy, made its way on her lips as she recognized some of the movies. Some of them being old ones like Casablanca, Burlesque, Dirty Dancing, The Sound of Music... Others being more modern, such as Matrix, Avengers, Forrest Gump or simply Star Wars.

Meanwhile Sally walked up to the man behind the counter, who seemed to be so busy watching his movie that he didn't even notice the arrival of new customers.

«Excuse me, I'm looking for Lawrence Nightingale.» Sally leaned on the counter.

The man didn't even bother to look at her and just moved his head towards the back «Through the back.» he managed to mumble out.

«Thanks.» Sally spun around to look at her new friend, who was still looking through some DVDs, seeming deeply interested in them, her eyes sparkling each time she recognized a movie.

«You.» she said pointing at the girl, who looked up at her, a DVD case still in her hand «Stay here. Don't brake anything. I'll be back in five minutes. Clear?» Sally pointed a finger at Melody, warningly. She sounded really much like a mother who forgot to get bread and told her 5 year old child to stay in line to the cash desk.

«Yes, ma'am.» Melody replayed, amusingly, as she saluted her in an army way.

Sally pointed two fingers first at her own eyes then in Melody's direction, in an I'm-watching-you kind of way, glaring a little.

Melody chuckled as she returned to her DVDs, Sally spun around and walked in the back of the shop to find Lawrence.

The little room drowned into silence, just as it was when the two made their entrance. Only the mumbling on the screen and the passing by cars outside where hearable in the background.

Though she tried hard to ignore the pair of eyes that were burning into her back.

«Looks like we're alone now.» suddenly the man behind the counter spoke, braking the silence. Melody fatefully put the DVD case she was holding down and, hands in her pockets and a rather sarcastic smile plastered on her face, she turned around to face the smirking man.

«Yeah, but no.» she said, threw him a sheepish smile and turned back to the DVDs.

She could almost feel the man's smirk falling off straight away. She felt slightly guilty for being so rude, but not that much to say sorry. She again started to look through the DVDs.

«Um, hey...» the guy spoke once again, this time though more insecure. Melody turned around to face him, hands in her pockets.

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